Close up of god and adam s hands 157844809 58ab54a23df78c345b08689c 5c531771c9e77c00014b025e


By tounis
  • Feb 28, 1348

    The black death (Plague)

    The black death (Plague)
    The Black Death or Bubonic Plague was a deadly disease that spread through Europe. This deadly disease started in 1348 and ended in 1350.It is estimated that the pandemic killed from 75-200 million people.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    The start of the Renaissance

    The start of the Renaissance
    The Renaissance was a time of rebirth. In fact the word renaissance itself is means rebirth. The Renaissance began in 1350 and ended in the early 1700's. During this time there was an interest in art and culture. Also in this time, artists and musicians showed more freedom and indivuality in their peices of art.
  • Apr 14, 1416

    The death of Filippo Brunelleschi

    The death of Filippo Brunelleschi
    Filippo was an artist that is most famous for his discovery of perspective in painting. This style of painting allowed the art to come into life beause that objects that were further away were drawn smaller so it looked like they were far away.
  • Jan 1, 1445

    The invention of the printing press

    The invention of the printing press
    The printing press was able to help further education because before, books cost a lot and were rare. With this machine more people were able to learn from books. The printing press was also able to print poetry, music, bibles.The printing press was made by Gutenberg in 1445.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    The birth of Leonardo da Vinci

    The birth of Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci was born on Aoril 15, 1452 and died on May 2nd,1519. He was an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. Leonardo was one of the most creative thinkers at the time.
  • Dec 1, 1455

    Lorenzo Ghiberta Dies

    Lorenzo Ghiberta Dies
    Lorenzo Ghiberta Dies
    Lorenzo was an iltalian artist and sculptor. He is most famous for his sculpture: the bronze doors of the Baptistry of Florence Cathedral. Lorenzo was important because he was a very good artist and sculptor but the thing that he did that made him very important is that he trained many artists that would later become famous in the renaissance.
  • Feb 19, 1473

    Nicolaus Copernicus is Born

    Nicolaus Copernicus is Born
    Copernicus was an astronomer that came up with the theory that the Earth revolved around the sun and the sun didnt revolve around Earth. This was important information because it changed the views of many people because people used to think that the Earth was the center of everything
  • May 6, 1475

    Michelangelo is Born

    Michelangelo is Born
    This is an very important event because Michelangelo will later become a very famous sculpture and artist. He was able to create art without all the resources. His art represented the rebirth in art and traditions. His art was showed his view of religion at the time.
  • Mar 10, 1483

    Martin Luther is born

    Martin Luther is born
    Martin Luther is an important person because he would be one of the main causes of the reformation of the church. Martin nailed 95 these to a door of a church in Germany to complain about the church.
  • Jan 1, 1498

    The last supper

    The last supper
    This painting was important because Leonardo's version of the last supper was the most human like and human's acted like humans in the painting. Next, Leonardo used a style of painting called perspective.
  • Jan 1, 1506

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    Leonardo da Vinci painted the most popular and most expensive painting in the world. This painting was important because itfeatured a relatively new technique called shading. This allowed the painting to look 3-D.
  • May 20, 1506

    Christopher Columbus Dies

    Christopher Columbus Dies
    Christopher was an explorer that made 4 voyages across the ocean. He was an important character because he wanted to find a new way to Asia by sailing around the world the opposite way. He didn't find Asia but instead he found the America's.
  • Jan 1, 1533

    Henry the 8th becomes Head of English Church

    Henry the 8th becomes Head of English Church
    This was an important event because he made a new version of Christianity that was a lot like Catholism but now people could divorce. This changed the way that people thought because now they can divorce.
  • Jan 1, 1559

    Queen Elizabeth I

    Queen Elizabeth I
    Queen Elizabeth I was the first women to rule england in 45 years. This was important because it showed many women that women can be just as good as men if they recieved the same education.
  • Feb 14, 1564

    Galileo Galilei is Born

    Galileo Galilei is Born
    Galileo was an iltalian scientist and philosopher. He is recognized as the father of modern astronomy. Galileo was one of the first scientists to propase abstract scientific theories that were tested. He built his own telescope in 1609 and used it to look at many things including craters on the moon, spots on the sun, the 4 largest satellites of Juptier and the phases of Venus. Galileo was fascinated by natures forces.
  • Apr 23, 1564

    William Shakespeare is Born

    William Shakespeare is Born
    William Shskespeare was a man with a unique perspective of the world. He was wasn't drawn to the 2D dimensions of writing. He was very vivid and focused especially on human characters with psychologically complexity. Shakespeare is a signifigant person because his words have changed the way we read and write and talk today.
  • Aug 27, 1576

    Titian Dies

    Titian Dies
    Titian was an iltalin painter that was famous for his unique stlye of painting. Titian was an important person because he was able to paint anything he wanted and he good at it. Titian had a very unique stlye of applying color to his paintings.
  • Aug 11, 1578

    Pedro Nunes Dies

    Pedro Nunes Dies
    Pedro Nunes was an Portuguese mathematician, cosmographer, and professor. He was famous for his study in navigation. This was an important thing because his discoveries contributed to the Portuguese period of discoveries.
  • Flush toilet is invented

    Flush toilet is invented
    In 1506 the first flush toilet was invented by Sir John Harington for Queen Elizabeth I. Harington was the queens godson. This invention was signifigant because before, human waste was dumped into the streets or the lake and that caused many diseases and it made the streets dirty.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    Samuel de Champlain was a important figure because he traveled all the way to the top of North America and discovered Canada. He set up in Quebec and started a colony.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    Sir Isaac Newton was an important figure because he came up with a theory that we still use today. The theory of gravity. One day, Newton was sitting under an apple tree when an apple hit him on the head and he thought why the apple fell instead of flying in the air. This is how he came up with the theory of gravity. He also came up with the idea that the moon revolved around the Earth. This was all important because without this knowledge we wouldn't know about gravity and astronomy today.