
McKenzie Pallischeck: Renaissance & Reformation Timeline

  • Period: 1300 to

    Social Classes During the Renaissance

    Throughout the Renaissance, there was a social system. There were the people who held all the political power, the nobles. Next, there were the townspeople and then the peasants. The townspeople were split into different kinds of workers and the unemployed. Peasants were the majority of the population, and worked for very minimal wages.
    Life During the Renaissance Notes
  • 1321

    Dante (Italy): The Divine Comedy Completed

    Dante (Italy): The Divine Comedy Completed
    The Divine Comedy was a poem written by Dante. The poem is about the journey that souls have to take in order to get to salvation. He has people who lead him through the journey, such as Virgil. The poem was written when Dante found out about his exile.
    Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes
  • 1335

    Humanism in Education

    Humanism in Education
    Humanism helped shape education during the Renaissance. Humanism was the idea that life shouldn't be evolved around God and religion, but around life and human achievements. Humanism made it so we learn about grammar, poetry, philosophy, and history in school.
    Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes
  • 1387

    Chaucer (England): The Canterbury Tales

    Chaucer (England): The Canterbury Tales
    The Canterbury Tales was a set of stories that were described from 29 different pilgrims. These Pilgrims were headed to Canterbury, England in order to visit the tomb of St. Thomas Beckett. St. Thomas Beckett was an archbishop who argued with Henry II over the power of the church. Henry II followers ended up murdering St. Thomas Beckett.
    Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes
  • 1405

    Christine de Pizan (France): The Book of the City of Ladies

    Christine de Pizan (France): The Book of the City of Ladies
    The Book of the City of Ladies was written by Christine de Pizan. Christine wrote that women should have similar educational opportunities as men. If women did have these opportunities, then they would be intelligent and successful just as much as the men.
    Artistic Movements of the Renaissance Notes
  • 1410

    Oil Paint Invented

    Oil Paint Invented
    Jan Van Eyck did not invent oil paints, but he did bring them back and make them well-known during the Renaissance. Since the Renaissance was a time for painting, oil paints made it a lot easier to make things more lively, and colorful. There was more color choices, and it was easier to fix mistakes.
  • Period: 1434 to

    Medici Family

    The Medici family was healthy and held a lot of political power during the Renaissance. The family supported the arts, and produced four differnt Popes all from the family. Leo X, Clement VII, Pius IV and Leon XI were all from the Medici family. The family dynasty ended after three centuries because the last dynasty did not produce any male heirs.
  • 1440

    Printing Press Invented

    Printing Press Invented
    The printing press was invented by Chester Carlson. The printing press applies pressure and ink onto things, in order to copy the print. This was a big invention during the Reformation, because it helped spread Luther's works and teachings.
    Martin Luther and Reformation Notes
  • 1495

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    The Last Supper is a painting created by Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo captured a tense moment, as Jesus and his apostles share the last supper before Passover. The Last Supper is a very famous painting around the world.
  • 1500

    Mining: Economic Importance

    Mining: Economic Importance
    In the 1500s, mining became an economic importance to the daily life of Renaissance people. The metals that ware provided from these mines made coins, and helped create businesses for some people. These metals made importing and exporting more profitable for the people.
  • 1501

    Michelangelo's David

    Michelangelo's David
    Michelangelo began the carving of David in 1501, after he finished the Piety in Rome. David was carved out of marble, and is made to look like he is about to go into battle, holding a slingshot in his left hand. The sculpture is one of Michelangelo's most famous works.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. It is an oil painting of a girl with a mysterious smile. It was created between 1503 and 1519. This painting eventually became the world's most famous painting.
  • Apr 18, 1506

    First stone laid down for St. Peter's Basilica

    First stone laid down for St. Peter's Basilica
    St. Peter's Basilica first stone was laid down by Julius II. According to a plan from Donato Bramante, the building was supposed to be shaped into a Greek cross. As the development continued, different designs were used by different artists.
  • 1508

    Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

    Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
    The Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was originally painted blue with gold stars. In 1508, Pope Julius II hired Michelangelo to give the ceiling a new look. Michelangelo painted many biblical stories. The most famous one is the Creation of Adam, the first man.
  • 1509

    Raphael Paints the Rooms of the Vatican Palace

    Raphael Paints the Rooms of the Vatican Palace
    In 1509, Raphael began painting a room called the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican Palace for Pope Julius II. The paintings in this room took two years to complete, and eventually became known as some of the most famous fresco paintings. Raphael eventually went on to paint another set of fresco paintings in another room in the Vatican.
  • Mar 11, 1513

    Leo X is Elected as Pope

    Leo X is Elected as Pope
    After Julius II died in February of 1513, a conclave composed of 25 cardinals decided to elect Leo II as the new Pope. Leo X did not have a peaceful plan, and many of the cardinals who voted for him, tried to poison him. One of these cardinals was killed and others were imprisoned. Most of the new Cardinals agreed and endorsed Leo X.
  • 1517

    The Selling of Indulgences Begins

    The Selling of Indulgences Begins
    One of the main reasons that triggered Martin Luther to write his ninetly-five thesis, was the selling of indulgences. Churches began selling indulgences, or paper passes that you pay for to get time off of purgatory, in order to raise money for the building of St. Peter's Basilica. The Church preached buying an indulgence more than love and piety.
    Martin Luther and Reformation Notes
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Public outing of the Ninety-five Theses

    Public outing of the Ninety-five Theses
    Martin Luther wrote ninety-five different thesis complaining about what he thought the church was doing wrong in German. He then nailed them to the door of the Wittenburg church so the public could see them. Once the public got a hold of it, they used the printing press to make more copies, so all of Martin Luther's followers could see and read it.
  • 1520

    "The Bull of the Antichrist"

    "The Bull of the Antichrist"
    Luther heard rumors that Rome had written a Papal Bull to condemn Luther's work as heresy, and threaten to excommunicate him. Luther wrote a work called, "The Bull of the Antichrist." Within this writing, Luther said whoever wrote this bull was the Antichrist, and challenged them to prove that he was a heretic.
  • 1521

    Martin Luther is Excommunicated

    Martin Luther is Excommunicated
    Pope Leo X did not like Martin Luther's Ninety-five thesis, and wanted him to recant 41 of them. Luther denied, and was seen before the Diet of Worms. In January, Luther was eventually excommunicated from the church.
    Martin Luther and Reformation Notes
  • 1533

    The Last Judgement

    The Last Judgement
    The Last judgement is a art piece painted on one of the walls of the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo was inspired to create this piece by Dante's, Divine Comedy. In the painting, there are 300 figure, most males and angles nude. It is supposed to represent the Second Coming of Christ, and the Final Judgement of god.
  • 1543

    "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres"

    "On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres"
    Nicolaus Copernicus had a theory that the Earth was not the center of the Universe. He published this theory in a book called, On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres. Within his book, he explained how Earth was just one of seven planets that rotated around the sun, which stayed stationary. This was a huge scientific discovery. It changed the way people looked and did things.
  • Microscope Invented

    Microscope Invented
    The Microscope was invented by Zaccharias Janssen and his father Hans. They would experiment with magnifying glasses and put them into lenses. They realized that if you put two lenses on opposite ends, and look through one end, the object on the other side is magnified greatly.
  • Flush Toilet Invented

    Flush Toilet Invented
    The first flush toilet, created by Sir. John Harrington, was called the water closet. It was originally made for the queen of England, but it did not work out very well. Leonardo DaVinci had new ideas for the toilet, but the public did not think they were good, and decided to disregard them. Later, newer and more efficient flush toilets were made.
  • Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    The Scientific Method is a research method that can help scientists try and prove their theories. Galileo was credited for developing the current scientific method and using it a lot to prove his theories during the Renaissance. This helped develop many different inventions and creations.