
Timeline of Napoleons Life

  • Birth

    Born in Ajaccio, France
  • Becomes officer in French artillery

    Becomes officer in French artillery
    He used the French Revolution as his opportunity to get power. Then Napoleon was promoted because of his victory over the British.
  • A Whiff of Grapeshot

    A Whiff of Grapeshot
    It is a battle between the French Revolutionary troops and Royalist forces in the streets of Paris
  • Napoleon becomes head of the French state, establishes the consulate

    Napoleon becomes head of the French state, establishes the consulate
    A new constitution overwhelmingly approved by the French people replced the Directory with a three member Consulate.
  • First Consul for Life

    First Consul for Life
    He staged a coup d'état and installed himself as First Consul; Later the French Senate proclaimed him emperor.
  • Campaign of Egypt

    Campaign of Egypt
    Between his European conquests, and before he became Emperor of the French, Napoleon Bonaparte conducted a campaign in Egypt so whimsical, so devoid of real military purpose as to be chimerical
  • Campaign in Italy

    Campaign in Italy
    Napoleon leads his army across the Alps in the Second Italian Campaign
  • Concordat

    Negotiations for Concordat open with the Papacy.
  • Treaty of Lunéville

    Treaty of Lunéville
    This Treaty was a renewal of the earlier, Treaty of Campo Formio, which secured France's defeat of Austria and right to administer Italian lands independent of Austria's will. This treaty also ends the Second Coalition.
  • The Napoleonic Code

    This code forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs go to the most qualified. It was drafted rapidly by a commission of four eminent jurists and entered into force on March 21, 1804
  • Emperor of The French

    Emperor of The French
    Napoleon crowned himself emperor of the French
  • Trafagar

    Battle of Trafalgar marks another French naval defeat at the hands of the British under the command of Admiral Nelson.
  • Elba

    Agrees to be exiled on the island of Elba
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    Congress of Vienna begins
  • Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday 18 June 1815. It was the culminating battle of the Waterloo Campaign and Napoleon's last. The defeat at Waterloo put an end to Napoleon's rule as Emperor of the French and marked the end of his Hundred Days return from exile.
  • St. Helena

    St. Helena
    British ship took Napoleon to the island of Saint Helena, where he remained a prisoner until his death
  • Death of Napoleon

    Death of Napoleon
    Died of stomach cancer