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French Revolution and Empire (Alain Ugarte)

By AlainUG
  • Jeu de Paume Oath

    Jeu de Paume Oath
    After having constituted the National Assembly, and when the door of the room in which they will deliberate is closed by royal order, the representatives of the third state meet in the covered pediment that was used to play ball and solemnly swear not to separate until they are equipped with France from a constitution.
  • Taking of the Bastille

    Taking of the Bastille
    The dismissal of Jacques Necker as Minister of Finance and the rumors about military preparations provoke the armed uprising of the Parisians, who seize rifles and cannons and surround the Bastille prison.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    After on August 4, in a frenzied night session, the nobility and the clergy will vie for the abolition of their privileges, the National Assembly approves the Declaration
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    Faced with the king's resistance to sanctioning the Bill of Rights, and mobilized by the high cost of living, the women of the Les Halles market lead a march on Versailles that led to the assault on the royal palace. Luis XVI and Maria Antonieta agree to accompany the mob back to Paris to settle in the Tuileries.
  • King's flight aborted at Varennes

    King's flight aborted at Varennes
    Feeling prisoners in the Tuileries, the king, queen and their children flee in disguise, according to a plan drawn up by the Swedish diplomat Fersen. After a day's journey to the north, where loyal troops must escort them to the other side of the border, they are discovered and detained in the town of Varennes, and from there they are returned to Paris.
  • The king swears the Constitution

    The text maintains the Monarchy and grants the right of veto to a king with limited powers. The Constituent Assembly is dissolved and, after a census-based election to which the outgoing deputies cannot appear, the Legislative Assembly meets on October 1.
  • France declares war to Austria

    France declares war to Austria
    At the urging of Luis XVI, who secretly seeks the defeat of his armies, the Assembly declares war "on the King of Hungary and Bohemia," to give the impression that it is not doing so against the Austrian people. Only Robespierre and a minority of deputies from the left are opposed.
  • Overthrow of the Monarchy

    Overthrow of the Monarchy
    The uprising coordinated by the Parisian sections with the help of the federated arrived from Marseilles led to the seizure by arms and a strong bloodshed of the Tuileries Palace. The king and his family take refuge in the Legislative Assembly, and an Insurrectionary Commune takes control of the Paris City Council. The Assembly provisionally suspends the king and calls a National Convention.
  • Massacres in prisons

    Massacres in prisons
    The alarming news about the advance of the allies towards Paris serve as a pretext for the organization of cutthroat pickets that, with the support of Marat from the Commune and with the tolerance of Danton from the Ministry of Justice, assault the prisons and cruelly murder between one thousand and fourteen hundred prisoners, including people of such relevance in the court as the Princess of Lamballe.
  • Establishment of the Republic

    Establishment of the Republic
    The Convention meets, declares the Monarchy abolished, and proclaims the Republic. Although only 10 percent of the French exercise their right to vote, it is the first parliament in history elected by universal male suffrage in a major country.
  • Execution of Luis XVI

    Execution of Luis XVI
    After being judged and condemned by the Convention, and all the maneuvers of the moderates to save his life failed, the king is guillotined in the Plaza de la Revolución
  • Creation of the Revolutionary Court

    Creation of the Revolutionary Court
    News of the military setbacks in Belgium creates a climate of unease and outrage in Paris. The dputies are divided into sections to stimulate recruitment and echo the proosal to create a court to try political crimes without possible appeal. At the same time, the list of suposedly punised with the death penalty is being expanded. There is also an attempted uprising in Paris by the Enragés. In the following days the catholic and monarchical region of the Vendée took up arms against the Republic.
  • Jacobin coup

    Jacobin coup
    The alliance between the Jacobins and the Enragés with the support of the Commune mobilizes the Paris sections against the moderate leaders of the Convention. After three days of pulse, during which it is harassed by the National Guard, the Convention yields and puts twenty-nine of its members and two ministers under house arrest. A few days later the new republican Constitution is approved, which will never enter into force.
  • Robespierre joins the public health committee

    Robespierre joins the public health committee
    The aftermath of the coup is the almost total renewal of the Committee at the beginning of July. Danton and his people are replaced by a Jacobin government led by Couthon and Saint-Just. The incorporation of Robespierre, replacing a lower-ranking deputy, culminates the arrival to power of the Jacobins and marks the beginning of the terror.
  • Execution of Maria Antonieta

    Execution of Maria Antonieta
    The deposed queen is guillotined after a mock trial at the Revolutionary Court
  • Execution of the Herberists

    In its obsession to eliminate the "factions", the Public Health Committee led by Robespierre detains the leaders of the most radical sector of the revolution.
  • Execution of the dantonists

    The Committee compensates its blow against the left wing with another similar one against the so-called "indulgents", who with Danton at the head and Camille Desmoulins as journalistic spokesperson, have been demanding the end of Terror.
  • Party of the Supreme Being

    Party of the Supreme Being
    The Convention pays homage to the divinity in a ceremony in which Robespierre, as president of the Assembly, acts as pontiff for the scandal of the sectors in favor of atheism and de-Christianization.
  • Thermidor coup

    Thermidor coup
    In the Convention an alliance is forged between the Jacobin sector that feels threatened by Robespierre and the deputies of the Plain, usually mute. Robespierre's voice is silenced when he attempts to make a speech, and he and his top aides are arrested. After a failed attempt at resistance in the Town Hall - taken by assault by troops loyal to the Commune - the Incorruptible is guillotined, along with his brother, Saint-Just, Couthon and other members of his environment.
  • 13 Vendémiaire

    13 Vendémiaire
    13 Vendémiaire is the name given to a battle between the French Revolutionary troops and Royalist forces in the streets of Paris.
    This battle was part of the establishing of a new form of government, the so-called Directory, and it was a major factor in the rapid advancement of Republican General Napoleon Bonaparte's career.
  • The french directory

    The french directory
    The Directory was the name of the government that ruled France during the final stage of the French Revolution. The government was based off a new constitution called the "Constitution of Year III."
  • Battle of the Pyramids

    The French army, under Napoleon Bonaparte, scored a decisive victory against the forces of the local Mamluk rulers, wiping out almost the entire Ottoman army located in Egypt. It was the battle where Napoleon employed the divisional square tactic to great effect. Actually a rectangle, the deployment of the French brigades into these massive formations repeatedly threw back multiple cavalry charges by the Mamluks.
  • Napoleon takes the power

    Napoleon takes the power
    After a year in which the Thermidorians control the Convention, and four years of authoritarian government through the Directorate, the coup d'état of the 18th took place, in which General Napoleon Bonaparte, recently returned from Egypt, took power as the first consul. France already has the dictator repeatedly demanded by Marat.
  • Napoleon assassination attempt

    Napoleon assassination attempt
    The attack was carried out by royalists linked to the Chouan leader Georges Cadoudal, who was in the pay of the British government. The conspirators bought a horse and cart from a Parisian grain dealer, attached a large wine cask to the cart, and loaded the cask with shrapnel and gunpowder. They drove this “infernal machine” to Rue Saint-Nicaise, near the intersection with Rue Saint-Honoré, on Napoleon’s route to the opera.
  • Introduction of the Napoleonic Code

    The Napoleonic Code made the authority of men over their families stronger, deprived women of any individual rights, and reduced the rights of illegitimate children. All male citizens were also granted equal rights under the law and the right to religious dissent, but colonial slavery was reintroduced.
  • Napoleon crowns himself Emperor

    In Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned Napoleon I, the first Frenchman to hold the title of emperor in a thousand years. Pope Pius VII handed Napoleon the crown that the 35-year-old conqueror of Europe placed on his own head.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    The Battle of Trafalgar was a naval engagement fought by the British Royal Navy against the combined fleets of the French and Spanish Navies during the War of the Third Coalition of the Napoleonic Wars.
  • Napoleon's russian campaign

    The campaign proved a turning point in the Napoleonic Wars. It was the greatest and bloodiest of the Napoleonic campaigns, involving more than 1.5 million soldiers, with over 500,000 French and 400,000 Russian casualties. The reputation of Napoleon suffered severely, and French hegemony in Europe weakened dramatically.
  • The Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was an international meeting held in the Austrian capital, convened with the aim of reestablishing the borders of Europe after the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte and reorganizing political ideologies
  • Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo was a combat that took place in the vicinity of Waterloo, a town in present-day Belgium located about twenty kilometers south of Brussels, between the French army, commanded by the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, against British, Dutch, and German troops, led by the Duke of Wellington, and the Prussian army of Field Marshal Gebhard von Blücher.