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France 1789-1830

  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    Began with the storming of the Bastile.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    Began with the storming of the Bastile.
  • The declaration of "Droits de l'homme"

    The declaration of "Droits de l'homme"
  • The declaration of "Droits de l'homme"

    The declaration of "Droits de l'homme"
  • The wealth of the church is given to the nation

    The wealth of the church is given to the nation
  • 1st Republic

    1st Republic
  • Louis XVI is guillotined

    Louis XVI is guillotined
    Former King of France Louis XVI was executed by guillotine. The National Convention had taken power a few months earlier.
  • Reign of Terror

    Reign of Terror
    Revolutionary Paris sections took over the Convention, calling for admistretive and political purges, starting 1-year and 2 months of what is know as the Reign of Terror.
  • Marie Antoinette executed

    Marie Antoinette executed
    Former Queen of France Marie Antoinette was executed by guillotine.
  • France adopts the metric system

    France adopts the metric system
  • The Directory seized power over the Convention

    The Directory seized power over the Convention
  • Napoleon named as general of the army of Italy

    Napoleon named as general of the army of Italy
  • War of the First Coalition

    War of the First Coalition
    The Treaty Formio is signed between France and Austria following decisive Frech military victories. The treaty marks the collapse of the First Coalition, composed of European powers which tried to contain Revolutionary France
  • Beginning of the Quasi-War

    Beginning of the Quasi-War
    The United States Congress rescinded treaties with French, a moment considered asthe semi official beginning of the Quai-War
  • Creation of the Bank of France

    Creation of the Bank of France
  • War of the Second Coalition

    War of the Second Coalition
    The Treaty of Lunéville was signed after the victory of the French Republic against the Second Coalition states (led by the Austrian and Russian Empires), marking the end of the war with only Britain left fighting France.
  • Saint-Domingue expedition

    Saint-Domingue expedition
    French Army General Charles Leclerc and the first 5,000 of 20,000 troops arrive at Cap-François (now Cap-Haïtien) to suppress Toussaint L'Ouverture and the rebellion of the black population in Haiti.
  • War of the Second Coalition

    War of the Second Coalition
    The Treaty of Amiens established a peace between France and the United Kingdom.
  • Haitian Revolution

    Haitian Revolution
    Dessalines declared the independence of Haiti.
  • Napoleon was declared Emperor by the Senate

    Napoleon was declared Emperor by the Senate
    marking the beginning of the First French Empire and the end of the French Consulate.
  • Napoleon crowned himself Emperor in Notre-Dame de Paris.

    Napoleon crowned himself Emperor in Notre-Dame de Paris.
    Napoleon had Pope Pius VII in attendance to indicate approval of the Church
  • War of the Third Coalition

    War of the Third Coalition
    The French Empire is victorious at the decisive Battle of Austerlitz which marks the end of the Third Coalition (Austria, Russia, United Kingdom, Sweden and others) against France and its client states.
  • War of the Fourth Coalition

    War of the Fourth Coalition
    The French Empire is victorious at the decisive Battle of Friedland which marks the end of the Fourth Coalition (mainly Prussia, Russia, Saxony, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) against France and its client states.
  • Beginning of the Peninsular War which will last until Napoleon's defeat against the Sixth Coalition in 1814.

    Beginning of the Peninsular War which will last until Napoleon's defeat against the Sixth Coalition in 1814.
  • Napoleon takes Moscow

    Napoleon takes Moscow
  • Louis Braile is born

    Louis Braile is born
  • War of the Fifth Coalition

    War of the Fifth Coalition
    The French Empire is victorious at the decisive Battle of Wagram which marks the end of the Fifth Coalition (mainly the Austrian Empire and the United Kingdom) against France and its client states (to 6 July).
  • War of the Sixth coalition

    War of the Sixth coalition
    The Fire of Moscow marks the beginning of French retreat after the French invasion of Russia. The First French Empire reached the height of its power and declined henceforth with the disastrous Battle of Berezina. The Sixth Coalition will go on to win the war and Napoleon will be exiled in 1814 to Elba.
  • First Restauration

    First Restauration
    The House of Bourbon was briefly restored with Louis XVIII as King of France in an intermediate period of the Napoleonic Wars.
  • The transfer of the coffins of King Louis XVI of France and his wife, Marie Antoinette, to the church St. Denis in Paris.

    The transfer of the coffins of King Louis XVI of France and his wife, Marie Antoinette, to the church St. Denis in Paris.
  • Hundred Days

    Hundred Days
    Napoleon greeted by the 5th Regime at Grenoble aftr his scape from Elba.
  • Battle of Waterloo

    Battle of Waterloo
    Napoleon is defeated by Seventh Coalition armies, definitively ending the First French Empire and the Napoleonic Wars, and marks the start of almost half a century of peace throughout Europe.
  • Second Restoration

    Second Restoration
    With Napoleon exiled in Saint Helena, the House of Bourbon was again restored. Louis XVIII became King of France
  • Death of Napoleon on the island of Saint Helena

    Death of Napoleon on  the island of Saint Helena
  • Louis Pasteur is born in the town of Dole

    Louis Pasteur is born in the town of Dole
  • French invasion of Spain

    French invasion of Spain
    France started its invasion of Spain, eventually succeeding and restoring the monarchy, ending the Liberal Triennium.
  • July Revolution, les Trois Glorieusus, 3 days of Parisian revolution

    July Revolution, les Trois Glorieusus, 3 days of Parisian revolution
    the conservative House of Bourbon is overthrown and replaced by the more liberal Orleans Monarchy with Louis-Philippe becoming King of France.