
The Mixer (⌐■_■)

  • First Mixer (⌐■_■)

    First Mixer (⌐■_■)
    It was invented in 1856 by Baltymore, Maryland and Ralph Collier. It worked with rotating sections
  • Innovation of the Mixer (⌐■_■)

    Innovation of the Mixer (⌐■_■)
    The mixer was innovated in 1885 by an American called Rufus Eastman (Rufo Hombreoeste)
  • Industrial Mixer Creation (⌐■_■) <(I'm bigger)

    Industrial Mixer Creation (⌐■_■) <(I'm bigger)
    Then, in 1908 Herbet Johnson, innovated the mixer, creating the Sand Mixer that was used in industrial factories
  • The First Handmixer with motor (⌐■_■)

    The First Handmixer with motor (⌐■_■)
    Invented in 1922 by Stephen Poplawski and developed by Arnold Electrics
  • The Mixer, nowadays (⌐■_■)

    Now there are a LOT of different mixers (Automatic mixers, grandma mixers, music mix ... Ok no). They all live in harmony, with their mixer grandmas and families. :)