Oip (6)

Stamped -Rahmo Dualle-

  • 1415

    Prince Henry Caper Page. 22

    Prince Henry Caper Page. 22
    Prince Henry was the son of King John of Portugal. He convinced King John to capture the main Muslim trading depot from the northeastern of morocco.
  • Period: 1415 to

    history of racism and and antiracism

  • 1453

    The World's First Racist page. 23

    The World's First Racist page. 23
    Zurara wrote a biography of the life and slave trading of prince Henry titled The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea. This book became the first defense of African slave trading.
  • 1510

    The First Racist African Pg.26

    The First Racist African Pg.26
    Al-Hasan Ibn- Muhammad al-Wazzan al-Fasi a well educated Moroccan was captured and enslaved along the Mediterranean Sea. He was freed by Pope Leo X, who converted him to Christianity and renamed as Johannes Leo. He then wrote a survey of African, say Africans were hypersexual savages, making him the first known African racist.
  • 1577

    Cursed Theory pg. 29-30

    Cursed Theory pg. 29-30
    After the Inuit people in Canada found out that the climate wasn't the problem, English Traveler George Best came to the conclusion that Africans were cursed using the bible to prove his point.
  • 1577

    Climate Theory

    Climate Theory
    Aristotle came up with the climate theory basically say maybe the reason the Africans were different was because of the climate that they lived in and if they were in a cooler climate Africans would become white.
  • Jamestown's First Slaves

    Jamestown's First Slaves
    A Latin American ship was seized by pirates and "Twenty Angolans [on board were sold to] the governor of Virginia"(36).
  • Richard Mather's Arrival pg. 32

    Richard Mather's Arrival pg. 32
    Richard Mather was a Puritan who came to America to practice a "more disciplined and rigid" (pg.32) form of Christianity.
  • The First University in America

    The First University in America
    Harvard University was the very first university in the
  • Cotton Mather is Born pg.47-48

    Cotton Mather is Born pg.47-48
    Through a twisted family line "Increase and Maria have a son. February 12, 1663." (pg.47-48.)
  • "Voluntary" Slaves pg 39

    "Voluntary" Slaves pg 39
    According to Richard Baxter, some "Africans [...] wanted to be slaves so that they could be baptized" (pg.39)
  • Creation of White Privileges pg.45

    Creation of White Privileges pg.45
    In response to Nathaniel Bacon's uprising, local government decided to give "all Whites [...] absolute power to abuse any African person" (pg.45)
  • First Antiracist Writing in the Colonies pg.41

    First Antiracist Writing in the Colonies pg.41
    The Mennonites were against slavery because they "equat[ed]" (pg.41) discrimination based on skin color to discrimination based on religion.
  • The Witch Hunt Begins! pg.49-50

    The Witch Hunt Begins! pg.49-50
    After "Parris's nine-year-old daughter suffered convulsions and chokes" he believed it was the act of a witch, then starting the witch hunt.(pg.49-50)
  • First Great Awakening pg.53

    First Great Awakening pg.53
    Another set of racist rules were created that "swept through the colonies in the 1730s".(pg.53)
  • American Philosophical Society (APS) pg.57

    American Philosophical Society (APS) pg.57
    Benjamin Franklin created "a club for smart (White) people" (pg.57) to discuss ideas and philosophy.
  • The (American) Enlightenment pg.56

    The (American) Enlightenment pg.56
    In the mid-1700's, "new America entered what we now call the Enlightenment Era" (pg.56).
  • Phyllis Wheatley's Test pg.60

    Phyllis Wheatley's Test pg.60
    Wheatley "proved herself [as intelligent and] human" (pg.60) by passing a test given by some of the smartest men in the country at the time.
  • Declaration of Independence pg.68

    Declaration of Independence pg.68
    Thomas Jefferson wrote a document main point being "All men are created equal." (pg.68).
  • The Three Fifths Compromise pg. 73-74

    The Three Fifths Compromise pg. 73-74
    An agreement stating "Every five slave equaled three humans." pg.73-74
  • The Haitian Revolution pg.78

    The Haitian Revolution pg.78
    Nearly, "half a million enslaved African in Haiti rose up against French rule." Shocking everyone and winning (pg.78).
  • (Possibly) North America's Biggest Uprising pg.80

    (Possibly) North America's Biggest Uprising pg.80
    Possibly the biggest revolt planned for "Saturday, August 30,1800" never happened due to "two cynical slaves slaves-snitches" (pg.80).
  • Jefferson's Slave Trade Act pg.85

    Jefferson's Slave Trade Act pg.85
    Thomas Jefferson created a act "to stop the import of people from Africa and the Caribbean into America" yet it had no real effect (pg.85).
  • The Missouri Compromise pg.89

    The Missouri Compromise pg.89
    Congress made Missouri a slave state but to maintain "Balance" they also admitted Maine(pg.89).
  • Thomas Jefferson's Death pg.92

    Thomas Jefferson's Death pg.92
    Finally on July 4 he had "his final sight" surrounded by his slaves (pg.92).
  • Garrison's First Abolition Speech pg.99

    Garrison's First Abolition Speech pg.99
    Asked by the ACS William Lloyd Garrison gave his speech. "He was smart and forward-thinking"(pg.99)
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion pg.102

    Nat Turner's Rebellion pg.102
    A "slave and a preacher" ready to rise against those in power (pg.102).
  • AASS Abolitionist Pamphlets pg.103

    AASS Abolitionist Pamphlets pg.103
    Garrison using his writing to spread knowledge. "He wrote a book the refuted colonizationists " and introduced AASS (pg. 103).
  • Samuel Morton's Theories pg.106

    Samuel Morton's Theories pg.106
    Samuel Morton "was measuring the skulls of human" to determine that white people had larger skulls meaning greater knowledge (pg.106).
  • Frederick Douglass' Narrative Published pg.108

    Frederick Douglass' Narrative Published pg.108
    The book represented the knowledge he was able to gain as a slave. "It outlined Douglass's life and gave firsthand account of the horrors of slavery" as well (pg.108).
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin pg.112

    Uncle Tom's Cabin pg.112
    Harriet Beecher Stowe shared ideas about the injustices of slavery. In Uncle Tom's Cabin that "exploded and became the biggest book of its time" (pg.112).
  • Start of Civil War pg.120

    Start of Civil War pg.120
    The chance to fight for themselves and get revenge. Slaves "wanted to fight against their slave owners" joining northern soldiers in battle (pg.120).
  • The Emancipation Proclamation pg.122

    The Emancipation Proclamation pg.122
    Now a bill passed declaring slaves shall be free. For this "Lincoln was labeled the Great Emancipator" (pg.122).
  • End of Civil War pg. 123

    End of Civil War pg. 123
    Civil war ended April 1865 Lincoln had a plan. A thought no president had before him, the black people "(the intelligent ones) should have the right to vote" (pg.123).
  • The Fifteenth Amendment pg.128

    The Fifteenth Amendment pg.128
    The Fifteenth Amendment was made on February 3,1870. Stating "no one could be prohibited from voting due to" their race/color(pg.128).
  • Black Codes and Jim Crow pg.126

    Black Codes and Jim Crow pg.126
    Restrictive laws made to limit the freedom of African Americans. "They would quickly evolve unto Jim Crow laws" legalizing racial segregation." (pg.126).