
The History of CSI Advancement

  • 44 BCE


    In 44 B.C. a Roman doctor examined Julius Caesar's body and discovered that of his 23 stab wounds, only one was fatal.
  • Period: 44 BCE to

    CSI Techniques and Methods

    The history of major game changing methods that helped in CSI.
  • 1248

    Hsi Duan Yu

    The first documentation of medical knowledge aimed at solving crimes was recorded in the book "Hsi Duan Yu" It detailed the process of distinguishing drowning from strangulation.
  • Traite des Poisons

    Mathieu Bonaventure Orfila who is considered the father of modern toxicology published this book on the many aspects of fingerprint detail and chemical elements like poisons.
  • Period: to

    The Temperature of Death

    Alexandre Lacassagne wrote extensively on algor mortis "the temperature of death" rigor mortis "the stiffness of death" and livor mortis "the color of death."
  • Bullet Comparisons

    In the mid-1800s, investigators at Scotland Yard began to conduct bullet comparisons.
  • Tissue Testing

    In the mid 1800's, advancements where made through investigators that developed successful tissue tests that identified arsenic as a means of murder.
  • Finger Printing

    Eduardo Alvarez made the first criminal fingerprint identification.
  • Portable Polygraph Machine

    A portable lie detector test.
  • Gunshot Residue Tests

    Test used to detect gunshot residue at the scene of a crime.
  • Immunoassay Tests

    Immunoassays are based on the principles that specific antigens will stimulate very specific (unique) immune responses and that the proteins produced by the immune response, called antibodies, can be used to signal the presence of a target compound in a sample.
  • Computer Forensics

    Computer forensics has been used as evidence in criminal law since the mid-1980's.
  • DNA Forensics

    DNA testing allowed for evidence that couldn't be obtained prior to this advancement, now come to light and reveal more about what really happened at the scene of a crime.
  • Entomological Forensics

    The concept of forensic entomology dates back to at least the 13th century, but only in the last 30 years has it been used as a feasible source for criminal investigation.