Brain drawing the bullet

The Brain Drawing the Bullet

  • Day One

    G writes about B'S crime initially and morphs into his acquisition of the gun.
  • Day Seven

    There is a focus on L's editorial power and writing stories, as well as the control words have.
  • Day Twenty-Eight

    L begins planning for the book on B's actions and struggles with how to correctly tell B's story, less morphing in between versions and stories.
  • Day Fifty-One

    L feels that the initial response to the book is flat and L struggles with blood in the murder scenes as well as the action.
  • Day Sixty-Nine

    The morphing in the stories mirrors morphing in identity, as L becomes increasingly aggressive and frustrated. He now wishes to glorify B and his actions.
  • Day Eighty-Seven

    L's obsession on B is becoming increasingly apparent, as he offended by criticism of B instead of criticism of his own work. His instability increase is apparent here.
  • Day One Hundred and Nine

    G has not responded in many days to the onslaught of letters however L persists sounding unstable and irritable. He feels that B is underappreciated.
  • Day One Hundred and Ten

    L completes his transition into B by completing the same crime.