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Technology History 1900-1909 by Taylor Hollis and Tristin Cash - Computer Science Principles

  • Vacuum Cleaner

    Vacuum Cleaner
    Revolutionized cleaning carpet in the household. Could now quickly suck up dust and debris in a timely manner.
  • Air Conditioning

    Air Conditioning
    Made summer's much more bearable. Could now spend much more time indoors.
  • Automated Tea Maker

    Automated Tea Maker
    Revolutionized the way we make tea. Could now quickly make more tea with little to no chance of burning yourself.
  • Radar

    Revolutionized sea warfare and ocean discovery. Could now detect objects in water with only sound waves.
  • Tea Bags

    Tea Bags
    Revolutionized how tea was stored and shipped. Could now easily store tea with no waste or chance of overly strong tea.
  • Gun Silencer

    Gun Silencer
    Revolutionized warfare. Could now sneak up on enemies or take out high priority targets without being discovered.
  • Plastic

    Revolutionized packaging and distribution of goods and products. Could now distribute almost anything with a cheap and reliable source of packaging.
  • Radio Broadcasting

    Radio Broadcasting
    Revolutionized how americans communicate with each other. Could now spread a message across the country in the matter of seconds.
  • Electric Washing Machine

    Electric Washing Machine
    Revolutionized how we wash clothes today. Could now wash clothes without even being there saving people time.
  • Assembly Line Porduction

    Assembly Line Porduction
    Revolutionized production as we know it today. Sped up production and turned our country into a powerhouse for business and technology.