
  • When did Jeff Hawkins get the idea of making a tablet and how

    When did Jeff Hawkins get the idea of making a tablet and how
    He got inspired by a science fiction novel that talks about tablet computers that are also known as calculator pads. He got inspired in the year of 1800
  • Who invented the tablet? When and why?

    Who invented the tablet? When and why?
    Jeff Hawkins is the inventor of the tablet. He created the tablet in the year of 1989. The tablet was created because it was smaller than a computer and weighed less than a computer. Also it was portable. Smart phones and just normal phones are portable too but it doesn't matter.
  • when did tablets become popular and how

    when did tablets become popular and how
    Tablets became popular in 2000. It became popular because it is portable and weighs less than a computer. It is like a big phone pretty much. except the word iPad stands for a big phone. Also you can get addicted to tablets and that's another reason why the popularity of an tablet grew.
  • when was the first tablet released and who released it

    when was the first tablet released and who released it
    The first tablet was released in 2001. The tablet was released by Bill Gates even though Jeff Hawkins made it.
  • When did Samsung release their first tablet and who made it

    When did Samsung release their first tablet and who made it
    Samsung released their first tablet in September 2, 2010. Stanley Kubrick was the one to make the first tablet. The name of the first tablet made by Samsung is the galaxy tablet.