Sherman's March to the Sea

  • Sherman's Special Order 120

    Sherman's Special Order 120
    From Kingston, GA Sherman declared that Major Howard command the right wing of his forces and gave command of the left wing to General Slocum.
  • The Atlanta Campaign

    The Atlanta Campaign
    Under Sherman's orders the city of Atlanta is burned. Sherman ordered an evacuation and asked that all churches and hospitals to be left alone, but the majority of the city was burned down. Upon leaving the city he stated that, "To-night I heard the really fine band of the Thirty-third Massachusetts playing "John Brown's soul goes marching on," by the lights of the burning buildings. I have never heard that noble anthem." when it was so grand, so solemn, so inspiring.
  • Sherman Raids Milledgeville

    Sherman Raids Milledgeville
    In Milledgeville, GA Sherman's troops raided and looted the state's capital. Under the lead of Brigadier General Jud Kilpatrick a mock session in the statehouse was held and Georgia's secession was repealed.
  • Battle of Buckhead Creek

    Battle of Buckhead Creek
    A battle between Kilpatrick and Confederate General Joseph Wheeler. Gave Union access to Millen, GA.
  • Sherman Arrives at Camp Lawton

    Sherman Arrives at Camp Lawton
    Sherman arrives at Camp Lawton, one of the biggest Confederate POW camps. He finds that the camp is empty and that all of the prisoners have been moved out in the anticipation of his arrival.
  • Sherman's Forces Burns Millen Junction

    Sherman's Forces Burns Millen Junction
    Millen Junction was a railroad depot nearby Camp Lawton. The junction was right in the middle of the Augusta and Savannah.
  • Sherman Arrives in Savannah

    Sherman Arrives in Savannah
    Sherman arrives on the outskirts of Savannah but finds that his primary objective is being defended by 10,000 Confederate troops. He can not enter the city because all of the surrounding rice fields have been flooded.
  • Sherman Takes Fort McAllister

    Sherman's is able to clear a route to link up with US Navy and effectively surround the Hostess City of the South.
  • Savannah Falls

    Savannah Falls
    Hardee realizes there is no escape and the city's leaders negotiate a peaceful surrender with Sherman. The following day he presents his gift to Lincoln.
  • Sherman Takes Columbia

    Sherman Takes Columbia
    This was a day of retribition for Sherman's forces as they took the craddle of secession.
  • Johnston Surrenders at Bennett Place

    Johnston surrenders at Bennett Place in Durham, NC. 90,000 troops surrender to Sherman's forces.