Western Civilization

  • 285

    Early Christian and Roman: Rome is split into the two regions by Diocletian

    Early Christian and Roman: Rome is split into the two regions by Diocletian
    Emperor Diocletian split Rome into East and West because the outside provinces were doing whatever they wanted and he felt like they had no control. This worked out very well for the East side because it flourished, while the West side soon collapsed.
  • 313

    Early Christian- Edict of Milan

    Early Christian- Edict of Milan
    The Edict of Milan was Constantine's statement to stop the persecution of innocent Christians. It was a letter written by Constantine to Licinius.
  • 325

    Early Christian and Roman: Nicene Creed

    Early Christian and Roman: Nicene Creed
    Nicene Creed was a symbol of Christian faith. It was originally adopted by the city of Nicaea.
  • 410

    Early Christian and Roman: The Sacking of Rome by Germanic Tribes

    Early Christian and Roman: The Sacking of Rome by Germanic Tribes
    The city of Rome was originally attacked by the Visgoths. Originally the Western part of Rome was sacked. It was the first time in many years that Rome had fallen to a foreign enemy.
  • 433

    Early Christian and Roman: Peterine Docterine

    Early Christian and Roman: Peterine Docterine
    Peterine Docterine is a belief that Saint Peter was given special authority by Christ himself.
  • 450

    Byzantine: Theodosius II builds a great wall around Constantinople, establishing it as the center of the new Easter Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire)

    Byzantine: Theodosius II builds a great wall around Constantinople, establishing it as the center of the new Easter Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire)
    Theodosius II built this wall and was eventually used to protect Constantinople. It was specifically used to protect the center of the Eastern Roman Empire.
  • Period: 456 to May 1, 752

    France: Clovis and The Merovingian Dynasty

    Clovis was the first leader of the Franks to unite all the Frankish tribes under one ruler. This changed their way of rule from a group of rulers to one single ruler. The Battle of Tours was a battle fought between the Franks and Burgundians under Charles Martel.
  • 527

    Byzantine: Justinian becomes Emperor of the Byzantine Empire

    Byzantine: Justinian becomes Emperor of the Byzantine Empire
    Justinian was the first great ruler of the Byzantine Empire. Justinian built the Hagia Sophia
  • 537

    Byzantine: Hagia Sophia is built

    Byzantine: Hagia Sophia is built
    The Hagia Sophia was built by Justinian. It is located in Constantine aka modern day Instanbul.
  • Jan 11, 630

    Islam: Muhammed conquers Mecca

    Islam: Muhammed conquers Mecca
    The conquest of Mecca was began by the prophet Muhammed. They started on 6 Ramadan and finished on 18 Ramadan.
  • Apr 28, 632

    Islam: Ali is murdered, creating Sunni/Shia split

    Islam: Ali is murdered, creating Sunni/Shia split
    The Sunnis and Shias split because of different beliefs. Shias believed that Abu Bakr should be leading the Muslims while the Sunnis did not.
  • Oct 10, 732

    Islam: Umayyad Empire

    Islam: Umayyad Empire
    The Dome of The Rock was built in Jerusalem and it is currently one of the oldest Islamic monument. The Battle of Tours was a battle that was a turning point in the struggle for Islam.
  • Period: Apr 30, 750 to May 1, 887

    France: The Carolingian Dynasty

    Charlemagne was brought as the ruler after his father Pepin The Short Died. Charlemagne united most of Western Europe, which is one of the reasons why he was such an impactful ruler. The temporary relation between The Carolingians and the Abbasid Caliphate happened during the 8th or 9th century.
  • Apr 30, 762

    Islam: The Abbasid Empire

    Islam: The Abbasid Empire
    Baghdad was built as a new capitol following The Abbasid Empire's defeat of the Umayyad Empire. Baghdad was the center of the Arab caliphate during the golden age of Islam.