Vr animation 3d tour roman colosseum 770x437


  • 800 BCE

    new home

    the ancestors of the Romans, called Latins, had migrated into Italy
  • 753 BCE

    rome founded

    rome founded
    2 brothers, Romulus and Remus, founded this city and fought over who ruled it and Romulus killed Remus for the power
  • 700 BCE


    noble landowners held power and chose chief officials
  • 509 BCE

    rome becomes a repuclic

    rome becomes a repuclic
    they had a king and was good up until 509 BCE
  • 509 BCE

    Etruscan King

    the Romans drove out their Etruscan King
  • 449 BCE

    Law of the Twelve Tables

    here was a struggle between the patricians (the privileged class) and the plebeians (the common people) to protect the legal, social, and civil rights of citizens. A commission of 10 men was appointed in 433 BC called the Decemviri to write a code of law that was suitable for both parties
  • 338 BCE

    settlement of Latin war

    After Rome emerged victorious, the settlement they imposed underpinned subsequent Roman conquests of Italy and overseas territories. The Latins, and other Italian allies, were forbidden to conduct diplomacy or enter into treaties with other states. They were not taxed, except in having to provide men to fight in Roman commanded armies, which bolstered their ranks significantly
  • 270 BCE

    gaining control

    Rome controlled most of the Italian peninsula
  • 264 BCE

    war against carthage

    rome fought 3 wars against Carthage
  • 218 BCE

    Second Punic war

    Second Punic war
    Hannibal invades Italy. Hannibal leads the Carthage army in his famous crossing of the Alps to attack Rome
  • 133 BCE


    Rome now controlled Spain to Egypt
  • 133 BCE

    distributing land

    Tiberius, elected a tribune in 133 B.C., called on the state to distribute land to poor farmers
  • 98 BCE

    The City of Rome Expelled All Non-Roman Citizens (except Slaves)

    There was a dramatic point in Roman history when non-Romans were no longer allowed to stay in Rome, and all non-Romans except slaves were expelled from the city
  • 62 BCE

    Pompey in the East

    in 66 BC Pompey succeeded to the command against the long-term enemy of Rome
  • 50 BCE

    Rome Introduces the Gold Coin, the Aureus

    Rome introduced its first gold coin in 50 BC called the “aureus” which was valued at 25 silver denarii
  • 45 BCE

    first dictator

    first dictator
    Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of Rome
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar assassination

    Julius Caesar assassination
    Julius Caesar is assassinated on the Ides of March by Marcus Brutus. They hope to bring back the republic, but civil war breaks out.
  • 31 BCE

    Augustus reintroduces monarchy to Rome

    Institutions designed for a small city-state could not rule a world empire. Above all, vast military campaigns required generals who commanded armies over wide territories for several years. By the last century BC, these generals would lead their armies against Rome and each other
  • 27 BCE

    first roman emperor

    first roman emperor
    Caesar Augustus becomes emperor
  • 64

    rome burns

    Emperor Nero watched the city burn while playing a lyre
  • 80

    Colosseum is built

    Colosseum is built
    It can seat 50,000 spectators
  • 121

    Hadrian Wall is built

    Hadrian Wall is built
    keep out the barbarians a long wall is built across northern England
  • 200


    as early as A.D. 200, wars in East Asia set off a chain of events that would eventually overwhelm Rome, thousands of miles to the west.
  • 235

    the third century crisis

    In the 50 years between AD 235 and 284, the Roman empire suffered chronic political and military instability. Amid endemic civil wars and defeats at the hands of barbarians, emperors came and went with bewildering rapidity. The average reign was no more than 18 months, and many survived for much shorter periods
  • 306

    Constantine becomes Emperor

    Constantine would convert to Christianity and Rome would become a Christian empire. Prior to this Rome persecuted the Christians
  • 312

    Constantine converts to Christianity

    At the battle of the Milvian Bridge in AD 312, the emperor Constantine sent his troops into combat with crosses painted on their shields. By the end of his life, he claimed that before the battle he had experienced a vision in which he was given the divine command: “in this sign conquer”. Constantine’s conversion to Christianity had a profound effect on European, and world, history
  • 393

    games abolished

    the Olympic games lasted 11 centuries, long after the Greek city-states were conquered by Rome. in A.D. 393, however, the games were abolished.
  • 395

    rome splits

    rome splits
    Rome splits into two empires
  • 410

    Visigoths sack Rome

    first time in 800 years that the city of Rome has fallen to an enemy
  • 476

    fall of ancient rome

    The last Roman Emperor Romulus Augustus is defeated by the German Goth Odoacer. This signals the start of the Dark Ages in Europe