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Humanities Timeline

  • 285

    Rome is Split into two Regions by Diocletian

    Diocletian's strategy was to split the Roman empire into two and make it easier to rule, although this intialy worked it had its flaws and caused the empire to divide.
  • Period: 285 to 450

    Early Christian and Roman

  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    The Edict of Milan was the decree of toleration for all religions especially Christians by the Roman emperor Constantine.
  • 325

    Nicaean Creed

    The Nicaean Creed was the decreed by the Nicaean council that Jesus always existed and was not created by God.
  • 380

    Theodosius’ Edict

    Theodosius’s Edict made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire.
  • 383

    Rome leaves England

    The legions leave Rome in 383 leaving it to the locals to rule.
  • 410

    The Sacking of Rome by Germanic Tribes

    Rome was primarily by the Visigoths were a Germanic tribe. This led to the downfall of Rome as it never was under Roman control again.
  • 413

    Theodosius II builds a great wall around Constantinople, establishing it as the center of the new Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire)

    Theodosius II’s wall helps preserve many of the ancient works that the Byzantines have gathered, it also keeps them out of the hand of the Germanic Tribes.
  • 415

    The Death of Hypatia

    Hypatia was the Egyptian philosopher who was also a women she lived in Alexandria during the time of the sacking of the Library of Alexandria by the Christians.
  • 450

    Pope Leo's Peterine Doctorine

    The Petrine Doctrine was the Doctrine that proclaimed became the Roman bishops were descendants of Peter they were the Pope and the most powerful Bishops. It was primairly written by Pope Leo
  • 466

    Reign of Clovis

    Clovis 1 was the King that united all of the Franks and ruled over them.
  • Period: 486 to Apr 18, 752

    Mergovian Dynasty

  • 519

    The House of Wessex

    The House of Wessex was the progressive line to Alfred they eventually became the monarchs of England.
  • Period: 519 to Apr 28, 1093

    House of Wessex

  • 527

    Justinian becomes Emperor of the Byzantine Empire

    When Justinian became the emperor of Rome he unified the Roman laws and made the body of Civil Law, which was used for a long time afterwards.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia is built

    537 The Hagia Sophia was built by Justinian in 537, its main features were its large domes that Romans were known for building. Eventually it was converted into a Mosque.
  • 550

    Anglo Saxon Invasion

    The Anglo Saxons invaded Britain and were initially used as defenders, but when they were no paid they took land and settled in Britain themselves.
  • Apr 18, 622

    Muhammed leaves for Medina

    Muhammad left for Medina, when he was exiled by the clan leaders who ruled Mecca.
  • Period: Apr 18, 622 to Apr 18, 661

    Early Muslim Empire

  • Apr 18, 629

    Muhammed conquers Mecca

    Muhammad returned to Mecca, when he gathered enough followers to convert the whole city of Mecca.
  • Apr 18, 661

    Ali is murdered, creating Sunni/Shia split

    Ali was the Shia Muslim who was the nephew of the prophet Muhammed, the Sunni’s believed each prophet should be chosen for their Merit and not based on their religion.
  • Period: Apr 18, 661 to Apr 18, 750

    Ummayad Empire

  • Apr 18, 732

    The Battle of Tours

    The Battle of Tours was a battle wear Franks who were Christian defeated the Muslims from Spain who were invading Western Europe.
  • Apr 18, 732

    The Battle of Tours and Charles Martel

    The Battle of Tours was a battle wear Franks who were Christian defeated the Muslims from Spain who were invading Western Europe.
  • Apr 20, 735

    The Venerable Bead’s Writing

    The Venerable Bead wrote about how Christianity should appeal to the Pagan Kings and wrote Christian stories.
  • Period: Apr 18, 750 to Apr 18, 1258

    Abbasid Empire

  • Period: Apr 20, 751 to Apr 20, 814

    Carolingian Dynasty

  • Apr 20, 755

    Pepin the Short

    Pepin the Short was the Frankian King who suppressed revolts in Germany and supported the Pope Stephen II as the pope and gave captured cities to him.
  • Apr 18, 762

    Baghdad built as new capitol

    The Abbasid group of Muslims moved their capitol to Baghdad, because it was newer and larger city at the time and also further east
  • Apr 28, 790

    Vikings invasions of France and England

    The Vikings began to raid the eastern parts of England and France.
  • Apr 20, 814

    Charlemagne and the Renaissance

    Charlemagne was the King who decided to reinstitute schools for higher education and especially started the Renaissance.
  • Apr 20, 845

    Charles the Fat lets the Vikings sack Paris

    Charles the Fat led the Vikings to sack Paris and received a significant bounty from the siege including an eventual ransom payment.
  • Apr 20, 850

    Beowulf written down by unknown monk

    Beowulf was the story of a Warrior Beowulf written between 700 to 1000 at an unspecified date.
  • Apr 20, 860

    Odo takes the throne and the Capetian Period (timespan) begins

    Odo took the throne in 860 and started the Capetian Period.
  • Apr 28, 886

    Danelaw Pact

    Alfred the great was a Danish king who signed a treaty were he gave the eastern part of england to the vikings and kept the western part of england for himself.
  • Apr 20, 899

    Alfred the Great

    Alfred the Great united the British Tribes and won a battle against the Vikings. This let them have half of Britain’s land.
  • Apr 28, 918

    The Viking chief Rollo founds Normandy

    The Viking cheif Rollo is granted permission to rule over Normanday. His family of rulers were te dukes of Normanday.
  • Apr 28, 982

    Viking leader Erik the Red discovers Greenland.

    Although Viking leader Erik the Red discoversed Greenland. many others attempted to settle there before him.
  • Apr 28, 986

    Viking ships sail in Newfoundland waters

    Erik the Red also led the discovery of the islands in newfoundland he never actually set foot on the islands but turned back around for Greenland.
  • Period: Apr 20, 987 to Apr 20, 1328

    Capetian Dynasty

  • Apr 28, 1016

    The Vikings conquer the rest of England and *Cnut rules

    Cnut was the Danish king who was finally able to take control over all of England. Although intially the danes influenced england. England actually ended up influencing them more.
  • Apr 28, 1042

    Cnut gives rule to Edward the Confessor (House of Wessex)

    Edward the Confessor took the throne from Cnut when his rule ended, he also restored the power to the House of Wessex.