Protest songs

History of Protest Song Writers in USA and Argentina

  • Bob Dylan, Blowin' in the Wind

    Bob Dylan, Blowin' in the Wind
    The Album Freewheelin' Bob Dylan is released. The song Blowin' in the wind becomes the first protest song in USA.
  • Sylvia Tyson You were on my mind

    Sylvia Tyson You were on my mind
    Sylvia Tyson's most famous song is You were on my mind which is released in 1964, but Mariposa: Under a Sortmy Sky is considered to be her first protest song.
  • Bob Dylan and Joan Baez

    Bob Dylan and Joan Baez
    Bob Dylan and Joan Baez are chosen as King and Queen of Woodstock Festival, the icon festival for the new generations of American who protest against the Vietnam war, for peace and liberation.
  • John Fogerty, leader of Credence Clearwater Revival

    John Fogerty, leader of Credence Clearwater Revival
    The song Who'll stop the rain is chosen by the American charts as one of the five songs of the year.
  • Piero: An Argentine protester

    Piero: An Argentine protester
    His song Para el Pueblo lo que es del Pueblo is chosen as the hymn of an Argentinian generation. Today he does not write protest songs as he used to.
  • Pedro y Pablo: rock, poetry and protest songs

    Pedro y Pablo: rock, poetry and protest songs
    La marcha de la bronca is chosen by the new generations of Argentinian as the hymn this year.
  • Jackson Browne: anti-nuclear leader

    Jackson Browne: anti-nuclear leader
    This date a free concert against a nuclear plant is offered, so Jackson becomes a leader for all musicians united for safeenergy in the world.
  • Charlie Garcia : consciente

    Charlie Garcia : consciente
    Inconsciente colectivo is written and sung by Charlie Garcia. The song tells about the Argentinian people and the Malvinas war.
  • Mercedes Sosa: ...estoy aquí resucitando

    Mercedes Sosa: ...estoy aquí resucitando
    La cigarra is sung as a hymn for the generation of Argentines who go the Malvinas War.
  • Victor Heredia: soldado de la canción

    Victor Heredia: soldado de la canción
    Aquellos soldaditos de plomos is released. The song describes the war the Argentines soldiers fought agains the British forces.
  • Jackson Browne

    Jackson Browne
    Lives in the Balance is chosen as his first political protest song.