prasonal timeline

  • 1760

    October 25, 1760 George III becomes King of Great Britain.
  • 1854

    1854 The Charge of the Light Brigade takes place during the Crimean War. 
  • 1854

    oct. 25 1854 During the Crimean War, the Charge of the Light Brigade occurred as Lord Cardigan led the British cavalry against the Russians at Balaclava.
  • 1935

    Haiti 1935 Haiti Hurricane Oct. 25, 1935 A major hurricane strikes Haiti leaving more than 2,000 people dead and many thousands homeless and hungry. 
  • 1971

    October 25, 1971 Roy Disney dedicates Walt Disney World 
  • 1971

    On Oct. 25, 1971, the United Nations General Assembly voted to admit mainland China and expel Taiwan.
  • 1983

    Oct. 25 1983The Caribbean island of Grenada was invaded by the U.S. to restore "order and democracy.
  • 2000

    i was born on oct. 25, 2000 at new albany