New Inventions

  • The railroad 1804

    The railroad 1804
    Invented in 1804 the railroad went from Great Britain to America and was a big game changer for the U.S. Railroads were effective during the civil war by transporting soldiers and weapons. Along with the civil war industries depended on trains to transfer raw materials.
  • Railroads today

    Railroads today
  • The Morse Code 1836

    The Morse Code 1836
    The Morse code became an incredible way to communicate to others in a much faster pace. With a set of lines and dots the code will be sent to whoever the person wants to message to. Today we use a similar feature but with letters, like text messages or emails.
  • Morse code today (with letters)

    Morse code today (with letters)
  • Electric Generators 1870

    Electric Generators 1870
    Electric generators became a huge impact to the world. People start using electric generators rather than coal, wood, or any type of fuel.
  • Generators today

    Generators today
  • The telephone 1876

    The telephone 1876
    From communicating by paper to talking through voice the telephone made a major impact to the world. The telephone allowed people to talk to people from near to far away in seconds. Today telephones are mainly called "Smartphones" which is still almost useful to the world.
  • Phones today

    Phones today
  • Audioplayers (Phonographs) today

    Audioplayers (Phonographs) today
    Phonographs or audio player would pretty much be in our smartphones
  • The Phonograph 1877

    The Phonograph 1877
    The phonograph created by Thomas Edison allowed people to be able to listen to music without having a load of instruments. This made music playing much more efficient especially in certain parties. Today the 2018 phonographs are mainly iTunes or youtube music through our laptops or phones.
  • The typewriter 1878

    The typewriter 1878
    Created by a number of Americans like Christopher Latham Sholes the typewriter helped people to create messages on their papers faster than writing it by hand. Typewriters became a popular thing for companies and even schools. Today our printers and computers are pretty much our "future typewriters" as now we can even put pictures and color in our papers. If it counts our keyboards would also be our future typewriters as well.
  • Typewriters today

    Typewriters today
    Typewriters today would pretty much be our keyboards
  • Lightbulbs today

    Lightbulbs today
    Yes this is a real product
  • The lightbulb 1879

    The lightbulb 1879
    Invented by Thomas Edison and first discovered by Benjamin Franklin the lightbulb changed the world to what we know today. Lightbulbs offered people to see in the dark. This may not seem to impactful but it replaced the use of fire to see in the dark. With that said it became so useful millions and millions of lightbulbs were sold. Today our lightbulbs come in house lightbulbs, flashlight led, RGB led, etc.
  • The electric iron 1882

    The electric iron 1882
    From coal smelling clothing to electrical smoother the electric iron was a gamechanger for clothing. Invented by Henry W. Seeley the electric iron allowed people to be able to unwrinkled clothing without the use of coal and fire. Although at first it did take a while to heat up but it was more efficient by a longshot. And it did not smell like fire. Today these hot metals are still being used today with it's old fashion electrical heat and steam.
  • Electric irons today

    Electric irons today
  • The radio 1895

    The radio 1895
    And finally we have our incredible music player the radio. Invented by Guglielmo Marconi the radio became a big music player that can pick up signals from around the world. This allowed entertainment for people and to know what is going on live. This was an incredible invention because besides the telephone the radio allowed wireless news and entertainment. Radios today are often found in our cars and is still very useful.
  • Radios today

    Radios today