Technology wallpaper

Technologies and Innovations of the United States

  • Jan 1, 1491

    Early Contact (fishing rodes)

    Early Contact (fishing rodes)
    Native Americans used simple items like stickd and rocks to build some of there technology. Native Americans built fishing rodes using simple sticks.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1491 to

    Technologies and Innovations in the United States

  • Jan 2, 1491

    Bow & Arrows

    Bow & Arrows
    Native Americans built bow & arrows out of sticks and sharpened rocks to hunt for the animals needed. ( animals like the buffalo and bison )
  • Apr 16, 1491

    New Weapons

    New Weapons
    Europeans created guns as a form of defense. Also used knifes and swords.
  • Apr 16, 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    Following the Columbian Exchange, Europeans brought new plants, animals and technology to North American. This affected the Indians because the Europeans also brought over new and deadly diseases, like small pox. Also this took up more of Native land.
  • Apr 16, 1492


    Europeans built boats out of wood to travel across oceans.
  • Apr 19, 1492

    Colonist Housing

    Colonist Housing
    Colonist built multiple houses out of wood to form colonies. Also colonist built churches and important buildings like the House of Burgesses out of wood to help form their colonies.
  • Apr 19, 1492

    New Crops and Animals

    New Crops and Animals
    Colonist made many new crops to plant for food. Crops like corn and sugar. New animals were introduced like horses.
  • Musket

    A gun used by the puritans in the early 1600's.
  • Submarine

    The first submarine was built in 1620 by Cornelius Jacobszoon Drebbel. It was propelled by oars and is thought to have incorporated floats with tubes to allow air down to the rowers.
  • Toll Roads or Tumpikes

    Toll Roads or Tumpikes
    Toll roads were used to link many towns to the eastern U.S.
  • Canals

    These are man-made rivers that are capable to carry large boats with very heavy objects. Canals made it easier to transport heavy objects across the nation.
  • Robert Fulton and the Steamboat

    Robert Fulton and the Steamboat
    Robert Fulton was a famous inventor who built the steam boat. Steam boat was the first boat made with an engine. It didn't require you to row it.
  • Eli Whitney and the cotton gin

    Eli Whitney and the cotton gin
    Eli Whitney was a famous inventor. He invented the cotton gin which makes it easier to separate the seeds out of the cotton.
  • First Telephone Pole

    First Telephone Pole
    Also known as utility pole, the United States Congress granted Samuel Morse $30,000 to build a 40-mile telegraph line between Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, D.C. Morse began by having a lead-sheathed cable made. After laying seven miles underground, he tested it. And he fail but later on many of the old wooden power poles were installed with cross arms sometimes 4, 5, or more to a single pole which carried dozens of wires through cities.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad

    The Transcontinental Railroad
    The railroad linked the eastern United States railroad to California's railroad, which made for easier transportation in the west. It stretches across the continent from coast to coast
  • The Telephone

    The Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. This made it easier for Americans to communicate cross country.
  • The Phonograph

    The Phonograph
    This was invented by Thomas Edison. This was used to view motion pictures, movies, which amazed many Americans.
  • The light bulb

    The light bulb
    Thomas Edison invented the light bulb which made it easier for Americans to have light in every home. Light was easier to access now.
  • The Kodak Camera

    The Kodak Camera
    Invented by George Eastman. This was the first camera used to take pictures.
  • Motion Picture Camera

    Motion Picture Camera
    Thomas Edison invented the first motion picture camera. It allowed for the production of movies in the 1920s
  • Radio

    The radio was invented by Gugliemo Marconi. It changed the lives of many Americans because they could hear news and important events all around the world. Franklin D. Roosevelt gave fireside chats through the radio.
  • The Automobile

    The Automobile
    Henry Ford was the founder of the Ford Motor Company and the first affordable car. He use assembly lines to help produce the Model T.
  • Inventions of the 1920s

    Inventions of the 1920s
    The vaccum, refrigerators and washer machine were all invented in the 1920s. It helped women do housework more easily.
  • The Atomic Bomb

    The Atomic Bomb
    The atomic bombS were made at Los Almos New Mexico in 1945. The bombs was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan during WWII. This was the first deadly weapon that used nuclear fission. J. Robert Oppenheimer, Robert Einstein, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman were some of the scientist who helped build the atomic bomb.
  • Electronics Industry

    Electronics Industry
    People started buying record players, refrigerators and new "transistor radios". Super computers opened doors for engineers and designers in space, aeronautics, and automobiles.
  • Air Travel

    Air Travel
    People didn't have to travel long hours to go somewhere across the country anymore. All they had to do was go to the airport and get on an airplane and be at the location in less than a few hours.
  • Medical industry

    Medical industry
    The discovery of penicillin, an antibiotic, helped preventbdeathsbcaused by bacteria. Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine during this time.
  • Air Conditioning

    Air Conditioning
    It was invented at the beginning of the century but commonly more useful in the 1950s. This technological advancement brought many people to migrate to the sunbelt states. Phoenix, Dallas and Atlanta experienced population increases due to air conditioning.
  • Television

    The television was invented in 1878 by John L. Baird. It was more useful in the 1950s. It changed the way America received information on national and international events. People were able to watch network newscast and it became a standard. Television impacted popular culture which made Rock-n-Roll grow in popularity.
  • The Pendalum Clock

    The Pendalum Clock
    This was invented by Galileo. It was his idea to use the swinging bob as a time telling device. This really helped encourage American innovations.
  • Cable TV

    Cable TV
    Cable changed television in the 1970s and 1980s because cable program are not held to the same standard as broadcast networks and can push boundaries with more explicit programming. Cable news stations changed television news intonation 24-hours affair.
  • Satellite Communication

    Satellite Communication
    Opened up the world to television audiences as news from around the world can be transmitted in seconds.
  • Portable Telephone

    Portable Telephone
    It was first introduced in the 1980s but at prices only the wealthy could afford
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    Developed from smaller networks of computers. Bill Gates developed the technology to create the personal computer. By the late 1990s the U.S. had used the Internet at some point.
  • Apple IPhone

    Apple IPhone
    This phone was created by Steve Jobs in 2007 and is still here today. It's one of the first smartphones made. Today there's the IPhone, IPad and IPod.
  • Apple Watch

    Apple Watch
    You can use this watch to tell time and use it along with your IPhone. It's the first smartwatch.