
Media literacy

  • Pre-industrial age

    Pre-industrial age
    Pre-industrial society refers to social attributes and forms of political and cultural organization that were prevalent before the advent of the Industrial Revolution, which occurred from 1750 to 1850. Pre-industrial is a time before there were machines and tools to help perform tasks en masse. Pre-industrial civilization dates back to centuries ago, but the main era known as the Pre-Industrial Society occurred right before the industrial society.
  • Papyrus In Egypt

    Papyrus In Egypt
    first papyrus was only used in Egypt, but by about 1000 BC people all over West Asia began buying papyrus from Egypt and using it, since it was much more convenient than clay tablets (less breakable, and not as heavy!). People made papyrus in small sheets and then glued the sheets together to make big pieces.
  • Cave Paintings

    Cave Paintings
    In prehistoric art, the term “cave paintings” encompasses any parietal art which involves the application of colour pigments on the walls, floors or ceilings of ancient rock shelters. A monochrome cave paintings is a picture made with only one colour (usually black)-see, for instance, the monochrome images at Chauvet
  • Clay Tablets In Mesopotamia

    Clay Tablets In Mesopotamia
    In the Ancient Near East, clay tablets (Akkadian ṭuppu) were used as a writing medium, especially for writing in cuneiform, throughout the Bronze Age and well into the Iron Age. Cuneiform characters were imprinted on a wet clay tablet with a stylus often made of reed (reed pen).
  • Acta Diurna in Rome

    Acta Diurna in Rome
    Acta Diurna were daily Roman official notices, a sort of daily gazette. They were carved on stone or metal and presented in message boards in public places like the Forum of Rome. They were also called simply Acta. History[edit]. The first form of Acta appeared around 131 BC during the Roman Republic.
  • Dibao In China (2nd Century)

    Dibao In China (2nd Century)
    The Chinese “Dibao” is the earliest and oldest newspaper in the world. During West Han time, Han government carried out the “Jun xian zhi” 郡县制, the eparch and county system which is helpful in concentrating the central power. The country was divided into many eparches and counties but governed by the central government as a whole. Every eparch sets up its office in the capital Chang’an, which has the same function as the provincial office in today Beijing.
  • Codex In The Mayan Region (5th Century)

    Codex In The Mayan Region (5th Century)
    Maya codices (singular codex) are folding books written by the pre-Columbian Maya civilization in Maya hieroglyphic script on Mesoamerican bark cloth. … The Maya developed their huun-paper around the 5th century, which is roughly the same time that the codex became predominant over the scroll in the Roman world.
  • Printing Press using wood blocks (220AD)

    Printing Press using wood blocks (220AD)
    Woodblock printing is a technique for printing text, images or patterns used widely throughout East Asia and originating in China in antiquity as a method of printing on textiles and later paper. Prior to the invention of woodblock printing, seals and stamps were used for making impressions.
  • Industrial age

    Industrial age
    Industrial Revolution, in modern history, the process of change from an agrarian and handicraft economy to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing. This process began in Britain in the 18th century and from there spread to other parts of the world. Although used earlier by French writers, the term Industrial Revolution was first popularized by the English economic historian Arnold Toynbee (1852–83) to describe Britain’s economic development from 1760 to 1840.
  • Telegraph

    A telegraph is a communications system in which information is transmitted over a wire through a series of electrical current pulses, usually in the form of Morse code. The basic components include a source of direct current, a length of wire or cable, and a current-indicating device such as a relay, buzzer, or light bulb. The term comes from the Greek words "tele," meaning "at a distance" and "graphien," meaning "to write."
  • Typewriter

    A typewriter is a hand-operated mechanical device with which on typing keys can produce printed characters on paper. There are different types of typewriters, including mechanical typewriters, electric typewriters and electronic typewriters. With the advent of personal computers and laptops, typewriters are rarely used anymore, although the QWERTY keyboard layout, which was designed for typewriters, is still used in most devices.
  • Newspaper

    Printed media usually distributed weekly or daily in the form of a folded book of papers. The publication is typically sectioned off based on subject and content. The most important or interesting news will be displayed on the front page of the publication. Newspapers may also include advertisements, opinions, entertainment and other general interest news. Some of the most popular newspapers are the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the New York Times.
  • Printing Press For Mass Production

    Printing Press For Mass Production
    printing press is a device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium (such as paper or cloth), thereby transferring the ink. Typically used for texts, the invention and spread of the printing press was one of the most influential events in the second millennium. The printing press was invented in the Holy Roman Empire by the German Johannes Gutenberg around 1440, based on existing screw presses.
  • Telephone

    Before the development of the electric telephone, the term “telephone” was applied to other inventions, and not all early researchers of the electrical device called it “telephone”. A communication device for sailing vessels The Telephone was the invention of a captain John Taylor in 1844. This instrument used four air horns to communicate with vessels in foggy weather.
  • Motion Pictures Photography/Projection (1890)

    Motion Pictures Photography/Projection (1890)
    Damoizeau built what has been suggested as the first panoramic camera, which is untrue. The Cyclographe (right) took photographs encompassing a full 360º and was one of the better panoramic cameras of the day. It was a collapsible bellows-camera and contained a pointed punch which would strike and thereby identify each new exposure on the roll prior to its passing before a slit at the shutter.
  • Motion Pictures w/ Sound (1926)

    Motion Pictures w/ Sound (1926)
    A sound film is a motion picture with synchronized sound, or sound technologically coupled to image, as opposed to a silent film. The first known public exhibition of projected sound films took place in Paris in 1900, but decades passed before sound motion pictures were made commercially practical. Reliable synchronization was difficult to achieve with the early sound-on-disc systems, and amplification and recording quality were also inadequate.
  • Punched Card

    Punched Card
    A punched card or punch card is a piece of stiff paper that can be used to contain digital information represented by the presence or absence of holes in predefined positions. The information might be data for data processing applications or, in earlier examples, used to directly control automated machinery.
  • Elictronic Age

    Elictronic Age
    Broadcast or storage media that take advantage of electronic technology. They may include television, radio, Internet, fax, CD-ROMs, DVD, and any other medium that requires electricity or digital encoding of information. The term 'electronic media' is often used in contrast with print media.
  • Transistor Radio

    Transistor Radio
    The radio was designed by the firm of Painter, Teague and Petertil whose final design was an excellent reflection of modernity. Aside from the sleek simplicity of its lines, the other standout feature was its distinctive grille, which was copied by almost all pocket radios that followed the TR-1. The design was recognised by the Industrial Design Society of New York, and in 1955 the radio was included in the American Art and Design Exhibition in Paris.
  • Television

    Tuesday July 1st, 1941 -- A famous television history date. On that day, the FCC activated new non-experimental call letters for two stations in the United States, and permitted commercial advertising. It officially marks "DAY ONE" of television. Any broadcasting before that date was considered "experimental". It was a good thing because people could now watch tv. It was a not good thing because people used to much of it.
  • Large Elictronic Computer

    Large Elictronic Computer
    There are arguments that the first computer to be invented was the abacus or the slide rule, which is its descendant, invented in 1622 by William Oughtred. However, the first machine invented that resembled a computer was the Analytical Engine. This was a device conceived and designed between 1833 and 1871 by Charles Babbage, a British mathematician.
  • Mainframe Computer

    Mainframe Computer
    Ken Thompson was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1943. He received a B.S. (1965) and M.S. (1966) in electrical engineering and computer science from UC Berkeley.
    In 1969, Thompson and colleague Dennis Ritchie created the UNIX operating system at Bell Telephone Laboratories. UNIX was a scaled-down version of the MIT MULTICS operating system, one meant to run on the new smaller minicomputers becoming available at the end of the 1960s.
  • Elictronic Age

    Elictronic Age
    The Information Age began around the 1970s and is still going on today. It is also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age. This era brought about a time period in which people could access information and knowledge easily.
  • Smartphones

    A smartphone is a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally associated with telephones, such as an operating system, web browsing and the ability to run software applications.
  • Twitter

    Twitter is known as a micro-blogging site. Blogging has been around for some time. Usually blogging consists of people setting up basic websites where they write about whatever they want, whether it be politics, sport, cooking, fashion etc. Posting a message is known as a tweet. People make connections by following other people’s twitter feeds. Once you click follow, anything that person or organisation says will appear on your timeline.
  • Google

    Google uses a computer program called a 'web crawler' that looks at the billions of websites available on the World Wide Web and examines their content to find 'keywords'. Then it indexes these to make the websites easier for the search engine to find. So if you type the word ‘holidays’ in the search box, for instance, Google will then show you all the websites with holiday information.