Napoleon's rise and fall

  • Napoleon's Birth

    Napoleon's Birth
    Napoleon was born in 1769 in Corsica in the Mediteranian/.
  • Napoleons Education

    Napoleons Education
    He was taught in what French philosiphers and the French army had to say about resason
  • Napoleons success

    Napoleons success
    He quickly rose through the ranks. In 1792 he bacame captian and later became the comander of the French armies in Italy in 1796.
  • Napoleon and his Army

    Napoleon and his Army
    By 1799 the British had defeated the French naval forces supporting Napoleons army in Egypt.
  • The coup detat

    The coup detat
    in Paris Napoleon took part in the Coup Detat of 1799 and set up a new government
  • Peace with the Curch

    Peace with the Curch
    In 1801Napoleon cement with the pop which recognized as Catholicismas the religion of a majority of the french people.
  • The treaty

    The treaty
    Napoleon made a peace treaty so that the revolution could finsish
  • Napoleons Aristocracy

    Napoleons Aristocracy
    Napolean created an aristocracy based on meritorious service to the nation
  • Napoleans war

    Napoleans war
    He and his army entered russia. But the russian forces refused to do battle. As the russians retreated the French attacked their villages.
  • Did napoleon preseve the things that the revolution accomplished?

    Yes I think that he did because although he did become emporer he did it to preserve his own country. He did this so that they would fall back temporarily so that they could eventually bounce back and stabilize the country and eventually advance