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Major Epochs in Human History

  • 4000 BCE

    Beginning of the Ancient History

    Beginning of the Ancient History
    Ancient history involves the historical record of ancient times including Ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian civilisations. The era began in 4000BCE with the first records of writing and finished with the demise of the Western Roman Empire in 650CE
  • 3000 BCE

    PREHISTORY - End of Stone Age

    PREHISTORY - End of Stone Age
    The Stone Age, a large period of time where ancient stone tools were used. This prehistoric time lasted around 2.5 million years. This time ended when people in the Near East started mending with bronze and metal roughly 5,000 years ago.
  • 3000 BCE

    PREHISTORY - Beginning of the Bronze Age

    PREHISTORY - Beginning of the Bronze Age
    This period of time began when people first discovered metal and bronze and started creating more sharper, durable and better tools. There were many advances to their technology in this age including the invention of the wheel and the first recordings of the writing systems. This period of time remained from around 3300BC - 1200BC.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to

    Major Epochs in Human History

  • 1200 BCE

    PREHISTORY - Beginning of the Iron Age

    PREHISTORY - Beginning of the Iron Age
    Smelting iron was not a new concept in the Iron Age as it was occasionally used for mending weapons in the previous Bronze Age. The Iron Age was the final period of the three - age division ending the epoch.
  • 650

    Beginning of the Middle Ages

    Beginning of the Middle Ages
    The Middle Ages or The Dark or Medieval Ages came after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Poverty and health catastrophes arose rapidly throughout Europe as many diseases spread such as the Black Death which killed a third of Europes population. This era lasted roughly 1100 years from 650CE - 1750CE.
  • Beginning of Pre-Modern History

    Beginning of Pre-Modern History
    Pre-Modern Era the time of theism between 1750 to 1918. There were many religious leaders and influencers. This time period includes the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution.
  • Beginning of Modern History

    Beginning of Modern History
    The Modern History epoch includes the 20th and 21st centuries and involves the Age of Globalisation and the Digital Revolution.