Healthcare history

Olivia Guthrie Health Care History

  • 3500 BCE

    Primitive Time - Illness

    Primitive Time - Illness
    Illnesses were considered punishments from the Gods
  • 3500 BCE

    Primitive Time - Treatment for Illness

    Primitive Time - Treatment for Illness
    Illnesses were treated by witch doctors in tribal ceremonies
  • 3500 BCE

    Primitive Time - Lifespan

    Primitive Time - Lifespan
    The average lifespan was 20 years old
  • 3500 BCE

    Primitive Time - Medicine

    Primitive Time - Medicine
    Herbs and plants such as morphine and digitalis were used as medicine.
  • 3500 BCE

    Primitive Time - Trepanation

    Primitive Time - Trepanation
    Trepanation was used to treat insanity. This treatment removed a piece of ones skull.
  • 1650 BCE

    Ancient Egypt - Physicians

    Ancient Egypt - Physicians
    Priest were also physicians.
  • 1650 BCE

    Ancient Egypt - Medical Treatment

    Ancient Egypt - Medical Treatment
    Blood letting and leeches were used as medical treatment. They used tools and leeches to take away blood from the body to improve medical conditions such as migraines and fevers.
  • 1650 BCE

    Ancient Egypt - Lifespan

    Ancient Egypt - Lifespan
    The average life span was 20 years old. This was because of harsh conditions and low medical advancement.
  • 1650 BCE

    Ancient Egypt - Sickness

    Ancient Egypt - Sickness
    Sickness was also believed to be an evil spirit and could be healed by the Gods.
  • 1650 BCE

    Ancient Egypt - Medicine

    Ancient Egypt - Medicine
    Herbs were used as medicine.
  • 960 BCE

    Ancient China - Medical Treatment

    Ancient China - Medical Treatment
    The ancient Chinese believed that nourishing the body and curing the spirit would heal and treat the body.
  • 960 BCE

    Ancient China - Acupuncture

    Ancient China - Acupuncture
    The ancient Chinese used acupuncture as a medicine/ treatment for sickness. They would insert small, thin needles into pressure points and this was believed to make the energy flow healthier.
  • 960 BCE

    Ancient China - Medicine

    Ancient China - Medicine
    The Ancient Chinese recorded medicine into a book. Their medicine consisted of herbs.
  • 960 BCE

    Ancient China - Research

    Ancient China - Research
    The Ancient Chinese searched for reasons why people get sick. They searched to see what the medical reasons for sickness are, not the superstitious reason.
  • 960 BCE

    Ancient China - Lifespan

    Ancient China - Lifespan
    The average lifespan for the Ancient Chinese was 20-30 years of age.
  • 700 BCE

    Ancient Greece - Modern Medicine

    Ancient Greece - Modern Medicine
    The Ancient Greek were the first to observe the human body and this led to modern medicine and modern medical sciences.
  • 700 BCE

    Ancient Greece - Illness

    Ancient Greece - Illness
    The Ancient Greece believed illness came from natural causes.
  • 700 BCE

    Ancient Greece - Treatments

    Ancient Greece - Treatments
    The Ancient Greece used massage and art therapy, as well as, herbal treatment to treat any illness.
  • 700 BCE

    Ancient Greece - Lifespan

    Ancient Greece - Lifespan
    The average lifespan was 25 - 35 years old.
  • 700 BCE

    Ancient Greece - Diseases

    Ancient Greece - Diseases
    The main diseases in Ancient Greece include cholesterol, diabetes, gonorrhea, cholera, leprosy, anemia, allergies, migraines, achene, and plagues.
  • 583 BCE

    Ancient Rome - Hospitals

    Ancient Rome - Hospitals
    The Ancient Romans established the first hospitals. They established them in order to take care of soldiers.
  • 583 BCE

    Ancient Rome - Sanitation

    Ancient Rome - Sanitation
    The Ancient Romans had the first public sanitation and health system. The system included sewers and aqueducts.
  • 583 BCE

    Ancient Rome - Lifespan

    Ancient Rome - Lifespan
    The average lifespan for an ancient roman was 25 - 35 years of age
  • 583 BCE

    Ancient Rome - Disease

    Ancient Rome - Disease
    Malaria , tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and gastroenteritis were diseases that Ancient Romans caught.
  • 538 BCE

    Ancient Rome - Medicine

    Ancient Rome - Medicine
    In Ancient Rome they used herbs to treat illness.
  • 600

    Dark Ages - Health

    Dark Ages - Health
    During the dark ages medicine and medical studies were prohibited. The Dark Ages focused on healing the sole over the body.
  • 600

    Dark Ages - Treatment

    Dark Ages - Treatment
    Rather than being treated by a doctor during this time period, patients were treated by priest through prayer.
  • 600

    Dark Ages - Lifespan

    Dark Ages - Lifespan
    The average life span was 20 years of age.
  • 600

    Dark Ages - The Plague

    Dark Ages - The Plague
    During the Dark Ages the Black Death was very common and not curable. The disease was spread by fleas that lived on rats.
  • 600

    Dark Ages - Disease

    Dark Ages - Disease
    There were many diseases during the dark ages, they include skin diseases, scurvy, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera, measles, and small pox. These listed are just some of many diseases caught due to low amounts of sanitation and medical care.
  • 1100

    Middle Ages - Black Death

    Middle Ages - Black Death
    The Black Death caused one third of the population in England and was caused by little sanitation and no running water.
  • 1100

    Middle Age - Bubonic Plague

    Middle Age - Bubonic Plague
    The plague killed 75% of Europe and Asia's population. This plague was also known as the Black Death that also killed many in England.
  • 1100

    Middle Ages - Lifespan

    Middle Ages - Lifespan
    The life span during the middle Ages was 20 - 35 years of age.
  • 1100

    Middle Ages - Spread of Disease

    Middle Ages - Spread of Disease
    The spread of disease was caused by unsanitary conditions. Waste and garbage was in the streets and rivers.
  • 1100

    Middle Ages - Doctors

    Middle Ages - Doctors
    The doctors knew nothing about the diseases during the time so they could not treat them. The doctors we sort of helpless and could only offer herbs and other medicine mixes.
  • 1500

    Renaissance - Knowledge

    Renaissance - Knowledge
    During the Renaissance a lot of medical discoveries and advancements were made. This knowledge could be shared through the printing press so it became common knowledge.
  • 1500

    Renaissance - Lifespan

    Renaissance - Lifespan
    The life span was 30-40 years of age during the Renaissance.
  • 1500

    Renaissance - Mask

    Renaissance - Mask
    During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance doctors wore masks to protect themselves from the Bubonic Plague. The mass\k looked like a birds face as you can see in the image.
  • 1500

    Renaissance - Lifespan

    Renaissance - Lifespan
    the average lifespan was 30-40 years during the Renaissance.
  • 1500

    Renaissance - Anatomy

    Renaissance - Anatomy
    During the Renaissance many things were discovered about the human body. They learned through dissection of the human body. Scientist dissected the body, made drawings of the body, and discovered organs.
  • 1500

    Renaissance - Medicine

    Renaissance - Medicine
    During the Renaissance herbs were used similarly to how Islamic cultures used herbs for medicine.
  • 16th - 17th Centuries - Disease

    16th - 17th Centuries - Disease
    Many diseases were spread but the causes are still unknown. Their were also many infections.
  • 16th - 17th Centuries - Microscope

    16th - 17th Centuries - Microscope
    The invention of the microscope led to many medical advancements because you could see bacteria and other microscopic organisms.
  • 16th - 17th Centuries - Apothecary

    16th - 17th Centuries - Apothecary
    Apothecaries turned into pharmacies during these centuries.
  • 16th - 17th Centuries - Lifespan

    16th - 17th Centuries - Lifespan
    The average lifespan was 35 - 45 years of age.
  • 16th - 17th Centuries - Vaccination

    16th - 17th Centuries - Vaccination
    Vaccinations were discovered during this time.
  • 18th Century

    18th Century
    Tube feeding was introduced as well as the invention of bifocals. The average person lived 40 - 50 years.
  • 19th Century

    19th Century
    During the 19th century nurses began to get formal training. Microorganisms were found to be the cause of disease. Viruses were discovered in the 19th century. Later women began to work actively in the medical field. The lifespan was 40 - 60 years old.
  • 20th Century

    20th Century
    During the 20th century they learned a lot about blood for example white blood cells fight off disease. The also created or discovered new medication and machinery. The lifespan is around 50 years of age.
  • 21st Century

    21st Century
    Many modern medicines and practices were advanced. For example anesthesia is now used and successful heart transplants are possible. The lifespan is around 73 years of age.
  • 21st Century Goals/ Future

    21st Century Goals/ Future
    The goals for the 21st century include a cure for cancer, heart disease, and aids, as well as, the lifespan of a person to be from 90 - 100 years of age.