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  • 7000 BCE

    China-Early China (160)

    China had two rivers, just like Mesopotamia. The two rivers were the Chang Jiang river and the Huang He river. Like every other civilization they farmed crops and hunted. They also had fertile land because of silt, so the population grew.
  • Period: 3500 BCE to 300 BCE

    Egypt-Ancient Kush (107)

    On the South of Egypt, now called Nubia, ancient Africans made a great kingdom sharing the Nile River with the Egyptians. Also trading and fighting with them.
  • 3300 BCE

    Egypt-The Rosetta Stone(103)

    The Rosetta Stone is a stone with hieroglyphics on it that helped people understand and read hieroglyphics.
  • Period: 3200 BCE to 2700 BCE

    Egypt-Ancient Egypt (86)

    More than 12,000 years ago, hunter gatherers moved into the Nile Valley and hunted, farmed and settled along the Nile. They made an irrigation system and the Nile helped the crops grow and provided fish and protection. In 3200 they made two kingdoms called lower egypt and upper egypt.
  • 3100 BCE

    Egypt-Menes rose to power (pg. 89)

    In 3100 BC a leader named Menes rose to power in Upper Egypt, and unified the two parts of Egypt.
  • 3000 BCE

    Mesopotamia-Sumeria creates a food surplus (pg.56)

    Sumeria creates a food surplus, which helped the farmers to get other occupations.
  • Period: 3000 BCE to 2000 BCE

    Mesopotamia-Sumerian Society (pg.56)

    Sumerian society starts in Mesopotamia, the land between the Tigris and Euphrates.
  • 2700 BCE

    Egypt-The Pharoahs (pg. 90)

    The Pharoahs were the leaders of Egypt. People believed that they were both a king and a god. He got blamed if harvest didn't go well or if there was bad weather. He couldn't take care of all that and hired government officials.
  • 2700 BCE

    Egypt-Pyramids (pg.94)

    Pyramids were huge stone tombs that pharoahs got buried in. They had four triangular sides and had a pointy top. It represented a pharoahs greatness and the point was to symbolized the pharoahs journey to the skies.
  • 2700 BCE

    Egypt-Egyptian Religion (pg. 92)

    The Egyptians believed in many gods. They built temples to glorify gods which collected payments. There were many gods like the sun god, the sky god, god of the dead, and many more.
  • Period: 2700 BCE to 2200 BCE

    Egypt-The Old Kingdom (pg.90)

    The Old Kingdom started in 2700 BC. Pharoahs were leaders and people believed that they were both a god and a man. Next were nobles, priest and government officials. Egypt traded with its neighbors and were polytheistic. They built Pyramids and monuments.
  • 2300 BCE

    India-Caste System(131)

    The caste system was the social divisions of the people in India. The caste system was based on your family, wealth or occupation.
  • 2300 BCE

    India-Hinduism (133)

    Hinduism is the largest religion in India today. The Hindus had many gods and there were 3 major gods. They believed in rebirth, reincarnation, and the soul holds the person's personality. They also had Karma, the effects of the good and bad stuff that a person did in his life.
  • 2300 BCE

    India-Indian Achievements (147)

    India had a lot of achievements. They built temples and they had lots of religious drawings and paintings. India was filled with paintings and sculpture. They also taught literature and told epics. They made metal tools and worked with metal, and the numbers we use today are from India. They also had injections and astronomy.
  • Period: 2300 BCE to 1700 BCE

    India-Early India (124)

    Harappan Civilizations settled in the Indus River Valley. They grew an irrigation and agriculture system. Cities and towns were built in India. Later another group migrated in India called the Aryans, they couldn't read or write but they memorized poems and hymns. The Aryans lived in small communities and nobody ruled.
  • 2200 BCE

    China-First Dynasties (166)

    The First Dynasties were the Xia and Shang Dynasties. Yu the Great found the Xia Dynasty they built drains and had an impact. The Shang dynasty ruled a large area of northern China. They had a social order with the King at the top, then nobles, then warriors, then artisans, then farmers, then slaves.
  • 2200 BCE

    Egypt-Social Structure of Old Kingdom. (pg. 91)

    Egypt had about 2 million people at 2200 BC. The Pharoahs were at top, then nobles and officials, then 80 percent of the population were farmers and slaves.
  • Period: 2050 BCE to 1550 BCE

    Egypt-Middle Kingdom. (96)

    During the Old Kingdom. Pharoahs lost power because the nobles challenged him and he couldn't stabilize the country. Egypt fell in Chaos. Around 2050 BC Mentuhotep the second defeated all his rivals and became pharoah and united Egyput once again. Later, Hyksos, a group from Asia, invaded Lower Egypt. Ahmos of Thebes drove the Hyksos out of Egypt to take back the land.
  • 2000 BCE

    Greece-Greek Mythology (242)

    Greece is famous for their mythology. Mythology is a group of stories and heroes to explain how the world works. There are many Greek gods, some are good some are bad, they are very famous even today.
  • 2000 BCE

    Hebrews-Jewish Religion (208)

    The Jews believed in God. They were monotheism and believed that the God guided their ancestors. God sent prophets to teach the Jews about God and the coming of Jesus. The Jews read the Torah and they still do today.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 650 BCE

    Mesopotamia-Later People of the Fertile Crescent

    Babylon, Hittites, Kassites, Assyrians, Chaldeans, and the Phoenicians all started to grow after Sumeria fell.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 70

    Hebrew-The Early Hebrews (202)

    In the South West Asia people called the Hebrews came. Judaism was their religion. Abraham left Mesopotamia to Canaan then to Egypt. Later the Pharoah took them in for slaves. Moses came and led them out, then got the Ten Commandments.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to

    Greece-Ancient Greeks (230)

    Greece was covered in mountains and there were very few farmlands available. There were also mountains on the northern Greece and they were surrounded by water. The first people to settle there were the Mycenaeans. They were the first people to speak Greek. They built fortresses and took over Crete. Crete was where the Minioans were. Then Greece created city states and colonies to survive.
  • 1800 BCE

    Mesopotamia-The Rise of Babylon (pg.72-73)

    Once a Sumerian town, Babylonians conquer Mesopotamia and becomes one of the most powerful government.
  • 1792 BCE

    Mesopotamia-Hammurabi's code (pg. 73)

    Hammurabi was a great war leader and famous for his set of 282 laws that dealt with every part of daily life.
  • 1600 BCE

    Mesopotamia-Hittites and Kassites (pg. 74)

    Hittites built a strong army in Asia Minor. They were the first people to master iron working. They captured Babylon but lost to Kassites.
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 1050 BCE

    Egypt-New Kingdom (96)

    The New Kingdom is when Egypt reached its highest peak in power glory.
  • 1500 BCE

    Egypt-Kush and Egypt(109)

    Kush and Egypt traded but were also enemies. While Kush was getting stronger, Egypt conquered Kush but Kushite leaders gained back the land. Kush invaded Egypt later but Assyrians invaded Egypt and the Kushites lost control.
  • Period: 1400 BCE to

    Greece-Athens (268)

    Athens was Sparta's main rival. Athens had a strong army but didn't put their whole potential into the military. Athenian boys also read, wrote and learned many stuff.
  • 1200 BCE

    Mesopotamia-Assyrians (pg. 74-75)

    From Northern Mesopotamia gained control of Babylon for a short time. Later after defeat, in 900 BC, they conquered all of Fertile Crescent. They had a strong Army.
  • 1200 BCE

    Mesopotamia-Invasions of Egypt (pg.98)

    Egypt got challenged many times. They fought but made a peace treaty later. Later the Sea People invaded them but Egypt had survived.
  • 1100 BCE

    China-Zhou Dynasty(166)

    A group of people came and ruled a kingdom in China then invaded the Shang Dynasty. It is the longest dynasty in history.
    Later Confuscius came and started an idea, that China had rude and evil people and created moral values, called Confucianism. Daoism and Legalism also came. Daoism had the idea to live in harmony and peace. Legalism had the idea that people were evil and that they needed to make strict rules.
  • 900 BCE

    Greece-Sparta (266)

    The Spartans only cared about military and put all their might into fighting. Healthy boys would join the military and train. Women had a lot of rights since the men were out fighting.
  • Period: 900 BCE to 371 BCE

    Greece-Sparta (266)

    The Spartans only cared about military and put all their might into fighting. Healthy boys would join the military and train. Women had a lot of rights since the men were out fighting.
  • 652 BCE

    Mesopotamia-The Chaldeans (pg. 75)

    In 652 BC, a series of wars broke out in the Assyrian Empire. They were fighting for authority, which weakened the empire. Chaldeans, a group from the Syrian desert, took advantage of that and destroyed the Assyrian empire and set its own.
  • 600 BCE

    Mesopotamia-Phoenicians (pg. 76)

    At the west of the Fertile Crescent, there was a land called Phoenicia. It was weak but had a great trading system, created the alphabet and were excellent sailors.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 480 BCE

    Persia-Persia (260)

    While the Athenians were converting into democracy. Cyrus the great and his Persian empire was rising. They fought people of southwest Asia but when Cyrus died, Darius stepped in and fought Greece. The Greece won the first attack but the Persians fought again. The Greeks won the other battle and the Persians lost.
  • 546 BCE

    Greece-The Rise of the Tyrants (237)

    Tyrants was a leader and had power by force. They were mean and cruel. Peisistratus was a good tyrant and became the ruler of Athens because the Greeks were displeased with the aristrocrats.
  • 528 BCE

    India-Buddhism (136)

    Buddhism is a popular religion in the world today. Siddhartha was displeased with the Hindu ways and felt that something was missing. He left home to search for answers. He started fasting and meditate under a tree for 7 weeks then it hit him. He was enlightened and called Buddha. Many followed him and some of the Buddhist ways were treating others well and rebirth. Buddhist today follow the ways of Buddha and follow the eightfold path.
  • 500 BCE

    Greece-Athens creates democracy (238)

    Around 500 BC a good leader called Cleisthenes had the power in Athens. He also was displease by the aristocrats and created democracy. Democracy means that all citizens get to participate in the assembly.
  • 431 BCE

    Greece-Sparta and Athens fight (270)

    Sparta declared war on Athens, it was called the Peloponnesian war. Sparta surrounded Athens and waited for the Athens. The Spartans burnt the fields and farms. They eventually called a truce and went home. Later the Spartans attacked Athens and took over.
  • 359 BCE

    Macedonia-Phalanx (273)

    A phalanx is a war formation, soldiers stand closely in a square then charge at the enemy. That is how Phillip the second and Alexander the great made their empire so huge.
  • 359 BCE

    Macedonia-Alexander the Great (272)

    Alexander's dad had a great military and gave it to his son Alexander. Alexander conquered Greece and Persia but stopped at the Indus River because they were tired of fighting. When they were coming home. Alexander got sick and died. But he left a great empire.
  • 320 BCE

    India-Indian Empires (142)

    Candragupta Maurya found the Mauryan Empire and took over the northern part of India. He used elephants and had 600,000 people in his army. His grandson Asoka expanded the army and was a strongest of all Mauryan emperors. He helped the economy but he died in 233 BC. Later the Gupta Dynasty came and unified India..
  • 221 BCE

    China-The Qin Dynasty(172)

    The Qin Dynasty defeated all the other armies and unified China. Shi Huang Di unified China with strict laws and harsh consequences. he expanded the emperor and burnt books. He had all the power and started building a huge wall to protect them from its enemies. After Shi Huang Di died, the Qin started to fall.
  • 207 BCE

    China-The Han Dynasty(178)

    After the Qin dynasty fell, many armies battled for the top. The Han Dynasty lead by Liu Bang won. Liu Bang was the first man to become emperor when he was just a peasant. The main philosophy was Confucianism and started to live that way. They practiced art and literature and invented acupuncture and had a great trading system.
  • 66

    Hebrew-Judaism (214)

    Judaism helped unite the Jews, but when the Romans invaded Israel, it broke down the Jewish society. The Jews revolt against Romans. The most powerful rebel group was called the Zealots, they refused the Romans. The First revolt was intense but it had failed and the Romans destroyed the second temple, but the Jews didn't surrender and kept revolting but eventually failed. Today there are a lot of holidays that remind us about the famous Jewish events.
  • Hebrews-Dead Sea Scrolls (212)

    The Dead sea scrolls were scrolls that the Jews wrote 2000 years ago. In 1947 a group of young boys were exploring and found the Dead sea scrolls.
  • Modern day event for pharoahs

    The Pharoahs were rulers and they governed the country. They were at the top just like the president of modern time. The Pharoahs were like the presidents. People respected them and they were the ones with the most power.
  • Modern day event for Phalanx

    The Phalanx was a military tactic that Alexander the Great used to create his powerful army. Today we also have military tactics to beat our opponents, like ambushing, and charging. Now we have guns so the tactics have changed, but the way we conquer are similar.
  • Modern day event for the Caste system

    The Caste system is the social hierarchy. The people that had the most power, wealth, education and importance were at the top and the useless and powerless were at the bottom. Like today, the country leaders are at the top because they have the most power, then the government officials, then maybe the celebrities, then the wealthy then the common people
  • Modern day event for Hammurabi's code

    The Hammurabi's code was a bunch of laws that basically was based on every part of daily life. Today, we have laws and rules, the leaders and officials make up laws. In school the principal makes up the rules for us to follow.