Isrseli-Palestine Conflict

By ballajs
  • Period: to

    Israeli- Palestine Plan

    The Israeli Palestinian conflict began with the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. This conflict came from the intercommunal violence in Mandatory Palestine between Israelis and Arabs and erupted into full-scale hostilities in the 1947–48 civil war.
  • First Arab-Israeli war

    First Arab-Israeli war
    Armistice agreements leave Israel with more territory than envisaged under the Partition Plan, also western Jerusalem. Jordan annexes West Bank and east Jerusalem, Egypt occupies Gaza.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    Israel is with Britain and France to invade Egypt during Suez Crisis, in order to reopen the canal to Israeli shipping and end armed incursions by Palestinians from Sinai.
  • Six Day War

    Six Day War
    After tension, including border skirmishes Egypt's expulsion of the UN buffer force from Sinai and its closure of the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, Israel attacks on Egypt, and Jordan and Syria join the war.
  • Mideast peace

    Mideast peace
    Israeli officials have made it clear they strongly oppose any international meeting at which the Soviet Union would be a participant in peace talks,Reagan Administration is considering the possibility of organizing a Middle East peace conference of European and Asian as a compromise to meet the concerns of Israel and Jordan.
  • Invasion of Lebanon

    Invasion of Lebanon
    Israel invades Lebanon to expel Palestine Liberation Organization leadership after assassination attempt by small Palestinian militant group on Israeli ambassador to London.
  • Uprising

    First Intifada uprising began in Occupied Territories and Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza forms Hamas movement, which rapidly turns to violence against Israel.
  • Oslo Declaration

    Oslo Declaration
    Prime Minister Rabin and PLO leader Yasse sign Oslo Declaration to plot Palestinian self-government and end First Intifada. Violence by Palestinian groups that reject Oslo Declaration continues.
  • Withdrawal from Gaza

    Withdrawal from Gaza
    Israel calls all Jews and military personnel from Gaza, while retaining control over airspace, coastal waters and border crossings.
  • Pullout from Lebanon

    Pullout from Lebanon
    Israel withdraws from southern Lebanon even though Lebanon has status of Shebaa Farms area.