Invention of the Watch

  • First Projector (Zoopraxiscope)

    First Projector (Zoopraxiscope)
    Eadweard Muybridge Invented the first projector by projecting images through glass disks. The glass disks had images on them and light would be projected through them while the disk is spinning.
  • 16 Lens Projector

    16 Lens Projector
    Louis Le Prince created the 16 lens projector which combined a motion picture with a projector. This was made to make more of a cinematic motion.
  • First Successful Projector

    First Successful Projector
    The Lumiere Brothers invented the first successful version of the projector which was the cinematograph. The product was used in theatres shortly after for entertainment to the public. This was the first projector to project motion over time instead of a reaccuring picture.
  • The Opaque Projector

    The Opaque Projector
    The opaque projector was invented in 1900 which projects printed material on paper.
  • The Slide Projector

    The Slide Projector
    In the 1950's, the slide projector was created. This product would allow you to use a 35mm film and project anything on that film. This began being used in schools.
  • Video Projectors

    Video Projectors
    In the 1990's, projectors would show a digital video instead of a motion picture. This made videos very clear and smooth.