History of IST in Education

  • First School Museum

    First School Museum
    The first administrative organizations in schools to manage instructional media were school museums. The first school museum was established in St. Louis, Missouri, in 1905. Its purpose was to collect and loan portable museum exhibits, films, photographs, charts, stereographic slides, and other materials to teachers for use in their classrooms http://interactivetimeline.com/2884/history-of-instructional-design-and-technology/
  • Visual Instructional Movement

    Visual Instructional Movement
    During this period, the use of media in school was referred to as the "visual education movement". Reiser (2018) states that national organizations, journals and teacher-training institutes began during this time period. http://www.tiki-toki.com/timeline/entry/634186/Instructional-Design-History/
  • Educational Film

    Educational Film
    AECT’s direct ancestor was formed in 1923 as the Department of Visual Instruction (DVI) of the National Education Association (NEA), and it remained a unit of the NEA, located within its Washington DC headquarters, for 48 years. http://aect.site-ym.com/?page=formative_period
  • Behavioral Learning Theory

    Behavioral Learning Theory
    B. F. Skinner believed that learning can be understood, explained, and predicted entirely on the basis of observable events, namely, the behavior of the learner along with its environmental antecedents and consequences" (Reiser & Dempsey, 2018) https://sites.google.com/site/ferlasicologacom/home/behaviorism
  • Origin of Instructional Design

    Origin of Instructional Design
    Psychologists and educators conducted research and developed materials for the military. They assessed the skills of trainees and developed a selection process for entry into training programs. They continued this work through the development of organizations to work on solving instructional problems (Reiser & Dempsey, 2018). https://mtviewmirror.com/rosie-the-riveter/
  • Sputnik

    The launch of Sputnik prompts the U.S. to invest millions of dollars to improve math and science education, greatly impacting the instructional design process (Reiser & Dempsey, 2018). http://talesofcuriosity.com/v/Great_Achievements_In_Space/
  • Instructional Systems Development

    Instructional Systems Development
    This period was distinguished by the articulation of components of instructional systems and the recognition of their system properties. During this time the first instructional design models where created by Gagne, Glaser and Silvern, they coined the terms "instructional design, "systems development", "systematic instruction", and instructional system" (Resier & Dempsey, 2018). https://www.slideshare.net
  • Robert Glaser

    Robert Glaser
    In 1962 Robert Glaser employed the term instructional system and named, elaborated, and diagramed its components. http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/history_isd/glaser.html
  • Intrest in a Systems Approach

    Intrest in a Systems Approach
    There was an increase in instructional design models, such as Blooms Taxonomy. The military adopted an instructional design model etc help guide the development of training materials, in education the IDM were created with the intent to help faculty improve the quality of their instructions (Reiser & Dempsey, 2018). www.odu.edu
  • Growth and Reflection

    Growth and Reflection
    The personal computer revolution was signaled by Time magazine’s naming "the computer” as its "man of the year” in 1982, shortly after IBM introduced its first mass marketed personal computer. Center for Social Organization of Schools reported that computers were used for instruction over 40% of elementary schools and over 75% of secondary schools (Reiser, 1987). https://www.gettyimages.ae/photos/classroom-1980s?sort=mostpopular&mediatype=photography&phrase=classroom%201980s
  • Internet was created

    Internet was created
    The World Wide Web Is Developed at CERN by Tim Berners-Lee. https://reconditosite.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/the-corridor-where-the-web-was-born-at-cern/
  • Online Learning

    Online Learning
    One major impact was the constructivist views of teaching and learning. Advances in computer technology, especially multimedia, enabled constructivist educators to design more learner-centered educational experiences (Reiser, 2002) https://ischool.syr.edu/academics/online-learning/
  • Instructional Design of the Future

    Instructional Design of the Future
    The possibilities are endless with where instructional design can go in the future. Our military and education sectors have advanced wonders since the beginning of ID, with researchers and professionals working together the future for ID is wide open. https://www.litmos.com/blog/articles/is-content-curation-the-future-of-instructional-design