Evolution of the Training Profession

  • Period: to

    Interactive Timeline WWII to Present

  • Job Instructor Program (JIT)

    Job Instructor Program (JIT)
    The JIT introduced training the trainer. First and second line supervisors learned how to teach their skills to others (Estep, 2008, p.15)
  • ASTD Formed

    ASTD Formed
    ASTD formed after it is recognized there is a need for leadership in training (Estep, 2008, p. 16).
  • Individualized Instruction

    Individualized Instruction
    Businesses introduce Individualized Instruction to keep training while lowering cost. Programmed materials, easy to understand and small steps.
  • Bloom's Taxonomy & Kirkpatrick's Levels

    Bloom's Taxonomy & Kirkpatrick's Levels
    The introduction of educational objectives. Benajmin Bloom introduces learning objectives that describe psychomotor, cognitive and affective outcomes. (Estep, 2008).Kirkpatrick introduces measurement
  • Teaching Machine

    Teaching Machine
    A precursor to e-learning. Allowed learners to go at own pace and correct mistakes (Estep, 2008, p. 19)). It reduced training time and errors. Wikimedia.n.d.TeachingMachine. Retrieved from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Skinner_teaching_machine_03.jpg
  • Competencies

    Positioned the field of training as part of Human Resources. In 1983, the model captures the expansion of the role of training and in 1989, the model adds career and organizational development.
  • e-Learning

    The growth of technology and affordability of computers expands the ability for learners to learn at their own pace. Additionally, organization decrease cost associated with training such as airfare, facilities and work time.
  • WLP & Web 2.0

    WLP & Web 2.0
    Trainer's addressing skill gaps, business needs, and competencies to help organizations operate more effectively. Web 2.0 Technology requires trainers to become better at facilitating learning as learners leverage social learning.