Captura de pantalla 2017 11 23 a la(s) 11.09.21

Europe during the Renaissance

  • 1341

    Francesco Petrarch

    Francesco Petrarch
    the day when Francesco Petrarch was crowned is marked as the day
    of the beginning of the renaissance. He was philosopher, writer, pioneer, etc. He was called the
    “father of humanism” he was a renaissance man.
  • 1397

    Giovanni de Medici moved to Florence

    Giovanni de Medici moved to Florence
    In 1397 Giovanni´s father founded the Medici bank
    and establish its headquarters in Florence, as influential citizen, he had no choice but to participate in that project.
  • 1420

    Return of the papacy to Rome

    Return of the papacy to Rome
    A period of renewed power for the papacy began at the year
    1420, when the pope martin moved the papal seat back to Rome; he brought it back to his
    historic home.
  • 1429

    Cosimo de' Medici

    Cosimo de' Medici
    Was the "Elder" and start of the Medici dynasty that ruled Florence (Italy) from the late Middle Ages through the Renaissance, and after.
    He represented the Medici bank, managed the papacy's finances and became the wealthiest man of his time. Despite never holding office, he controlled Florence via his wealth and was the start of a dynasty that held power for centuries.
  • 1454

    Johann Gutenberg

    Johann Gutenberg
    Is mainly known for the invention of the printing press, his invention
    revolutionized and made it possible to produce many copies of one text in short amount of time;
    his first impression was a bible.
  • 1464

    Comino is on piedro rules until he died.

    Comino is on piedro rules until he died.
    Then Lorenzo starts to rule in Florence and makes it the greatest empire it has ever been and leads it to the greatest hights of
    the renaissance. During his time of government, the arts flourished, and commerce increased.
  • 1492

    Columbus discovered America

    Columbus discovered America
    When he started his journey, his plan was to arrive to the
    indies, but when he was trying toget there by an other passage, but he finished arriving to a “new world”.
  • 1512

    Michelangelo completed the Sistine chapel

    Michelangelo completed the Sistine chapel
    The Sistine chapel celling, painted by
    Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512. This chapel was built by the pope sixtuis IV, for whom the chapel is named, it was painted at the commission of the pope Julius II.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther posts his 95 these in wittenberg

    Martin Luther posts his 95 these in wittenberg
    The priest and scholar Martin Luther approaches the door of The Castle Church in Wittenberg and nails a piece of paper containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation.
  • 1519

    Cortez own expedition to Mexico (canceled)

    Cortez own expedition to Mexico (canceled)
    Hernan Cortez, first served as a soldier in an expedition of Cuba led by Diego Velásquez in 1511 and in 1519 Cortez was to command his own expedition to Mexico, but Velásquez canceled it. Cortez ignored the order and traveled with about 500 men and 11 ships to Mexico. A few years later he conquered it.
  • 1519

    Da Vinci died

    Da Vinci died
    Leonado Da Vinci died on may 2, 1519, at the age of 67. He continued work on his scientific studies until his death. His assistant, Melzi, became the principal heir and executor of his estate.
  • 1521

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    He was formally excommunicated from the Catholic Church
  • 1527

    S.Onofrio Monastery gave the order to attack.

    S.Onofrio Monastery gave the order to attack.
    the "Porta del Torrione" he was mortally wounded, as he prepared to storm the ramparts. After some hesitation, Spanish mercenaries broke through the "Porta del Torrione", while the soldiers invaded the "Borgo Santo Spirito" and the "Borgo San Pietro". The Pontifical Swiss Guard which
    had assembled near the obelisk, which then stood near the "Campo Santo Teutonico", and the
    few Roman troops fought a futile battle.