Diabetes Treatment Timeline

  • Claude Bernard

    Claude Bernard
    Claude Bernard discovered that the liver stored glycogen and secreted a sugary substance into the blood.
  • Priorry

    A physician by the name of Priorry advised his diabetic patients to eat large amount of sugar as a treatment.
  • Apollinaire Bouchardat

    Apollinaire Bouchardat
    Apollainaire Bouchardat, a French physician, noticed that the amount of glucose in the urine of his diabetes patients decreased while there was a rationing of food. This led his to develop the idea of individualized diets and advised his patients to start eating less.
  • Von Noorden

    Von Noorden
    Cj Von Noorden believed he found the cure for diabetes was to eat oatmeal and butter every two hours. The maximum amount that could be eaten each day was eight ounces of oatmeal with eight ounces of butter.
  • George Zuelzer

    George Zuelzer
    In Berlin,George Zuelzer injected acomatrol, a substance secreted from the pancreas, into a diabetic patient and found that glycosuria decreased. However, once the acomatrol was used up, the patient died.
  • Benedict Solution

    Benedict Solution
    S. R. Benedict creates the Benedict Solution test which detects the presence of glucose in the urine.
  • Idea of Insulin

    Idea of Insulin
    Dr.Banting comes up with the idea of Insulin after reading the article The Relation of the Islets of Langerhans to Diabetics with Special Refernce to Cases of Pancreatic Lithiasis by Moses Barron.
  • Insulin Discovered

    Insulin Discovered
    Frederick Banting and Charles Best discovered insulin when they successfully treated a de-pancreatized dog with insulin.
  • Insulin Success

    Insulin Success
    A 14 year old boy was the first to recieve the insulin treatment but it failed. Weeks later a purified injection was created by Collip and the glucose blood levels dropped.
  • Insulin Syringe

    Insulin Syringe
    Becton Dickinson (BD) created the first syrnge for insulin injections.
  • Crystalization

    J.J. Abel crystallized insulin.
  • Protamine Zinc

    Protamine Zinc
    Protamine zinc insulin, a longer acting type of insulin, was created.
  • Lente

    Another longer acting treatment called the lente insulin was created.
  • 2 Types

    2 Types
    Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are recognized.
  • Insulin Pump

    Insulin Pump
    Dr. Arnold Kadish designed the very first pump. This pump was able to to deliever both insuin and glucagon.
  • Purest Insulin

    Purest Insulin
    Novo Nordisk introduces the purest insulin available called Monocomponent insulin.
  • Insulin Pen

    Insulin Pen
    The insulin pen was introduced in the U.S.
  • Different Types

    Different Types
    There are different types of insulin available, rapid acting, short acting, intermediate acting, and long-acting insulin.
  • Delivery systems

    Delivery systems
    Insulin can be delivered through a syringe, insulin pen, external insulin pump, inhalable insulin, and insulin jet injectors.