
Developemental Timeline

By skanji
  • Period: to

    My First Pregnancy

    It's A Boy!!
  • Period: to

    Prenatal Developement and Birth

    Around the beginning of this time, I was concieved and growing in my mother's womb. My mother was very cautious of what she was doing because I was her first child.
  • Period: to

    My Developmental Lifespan

  • Biosocial Development: Adolescence

    I was 18 when I conceived my first child, a boy. So, in these years, I was growing and my weight increased. I had the little guy when I was 19 and he was around 6.5 pounds and was born 3 weeks early.
  • My Birth

    After months of Prenatal Developement, I was born! I was barely 6 pounds and my mother said she had a very difficult delivery with me although I turned out to be quite the chubby baby!
  • Physical Development

    By 6 months of age, I was able to see 20/20 vision and I could grasp objects and might have been able to pass them from one hand to the other.
  • Biosocial Development

    By 6 months I was able to determine strangers from familiar faces, which was stranger anxiety.
  • Cognitive Development

    By age one, I was able to say my first word, because through "cooing" and "babbling" and gradually "baby talk" I had learned to speak a word or two.
  • Psychosocial Developmeny

    By about 1 1/2 years, my mom started leaving me with my uncle, aunt and cousins to babysit because she could tell I was adjusted and familiar with them.
  • Cognitive Development

    By age two, I'm able to talk in short sentences as part of my language development.
  • Biosocial Development: The Play Years

    At the age of about 3, I was starting school and my hair color and texture began to change from brown and fine to dark and thicker. My mom made me tie my hair in tight pigtails to school everyday and I had to wear a uniform. Also, I was probably the shortest kid in my class.
  • Psychosocial Development: The Play Years

    At just 3 years old, my little brother was born and it seemed like I was getting in trouble a lot more plus my mom made me start doing small chores like folding my blanket and helping her in the kitchen.
  • Congitive Development: The Play Years

    As I continue school at the age of 4, I begin to put together puzzles as well as read and write letters. I was very quiet and always did as I was told.
  • Psychosocial Development: The School Years

    At almost 6 years old, my second baby brother was born and as the oldest, plus I was a girl, I had the most responsibility. At school I had a group of friend consisting of 5 girls and we would go to each other's houses and have meals together. My mother had a very authoritarian rule over me so I wasn't allowed to do much more than that with them. My dad was always out of the country working but whenever he came back he always brought me something special and I still have a lot of things today.
  • Cognitive Development: The School Years

    By my 5th year of school (we didn't really call them grades in my day) I was doing really well. I was always getting good grades and my mother never heard a complaint about me and I was never picked on. I enjoyed going to school, even more than home.
  • Biosocial Development: The School Years

    I still had to wear a uniform to school but because I was in a higher level of schooling, there were standards. My shoes were always polished and my hair neatly braided. My uniform had to have no stains, rips, or dirt and nails had to be clipped and cleaned. Grooming was very important in school. On Thursdays I was even in girlscouts which we had another uniform for.
  • Biosocial Development: Adolescence

    I hit puberty about the same time as all my other friends although I thought something was wrong with me and I was really scared. My mom and I had never talked about it and in those days it wasn't discussed in school. I began to get some acne but no real visable growth spurt. My weight was normal.
  • Psychosocial Development: Adolescence

    My third baby brother was born. By now I was used to having younger brothers. The worst part was that because our place was so small I always had to share a room and I never had any privacy. On top of that I had the most responsibility because I was the oldest and I was a girl!
  • Cognitive Development: Adolescence

    I was determined to go into medicine and become a doctor, Where I came from, school ended after 10th grade and college started. I took my exams and got into medical school!
  • Psychosocial Development: Emerging Adulthood

    I was engaged at the age of 17 to someone I only got to spend a day with AKA "Arranged Marriage".
  • Psychosocial Development: Emerging Adulthood

    I was wed off at barely 18 years old and lived with my husband and his family AKA my in-laws.
  • Cognitive Development: Emerging Adulthood

    I left my dream of becoming a doctor after attending two years of medical school because I got married so young and had expectations from my husband and in-laws. I was also having a baby and it would be very difficult to continue schooling. My in-laws weren't too fond of taking care of my family.
  • Biosocial Development: Emerging Adulthood

    I had a big belly infront of me because I got pregant at 18 and had my first baby boy at 19 weighing 6.5 pounds plus he was born 3 weeks early.
  • Cognitive Development: Adulthood

    I just moved to the USA. We were getting settled and getting to know the area of New York. I was about 6 months pregnant so my husband was working while I took care of our son.
  • Psychosocial Development: Adulthood

    My first daughter was born and what a blessing she was. She was born in Brooklyn, NY in a very difficult delivery.
  • Psychosocial Development: Adulthood

    I gave birth to my third child, a baby girl.
  • Biosocial Devolopment: Adulthood

    I had carpal tunnel on both of my hands and had to get a small surgery done as well as stitches after the pregnancy of my third child and second daughter.
  • Cognitive Development: Adulthood

    We bought our first house. It was built in the 70's but the fact that it was ours and that we owned it was the best feeling.
  • Cognitive Development: Adulthood

    My divorce took about a year and a half but it was finally finalized in April!
  • Psychosocial Development: Late Adulthood

    This may not actually be late adulthood but becoming a grandmother makes it late adulthood. On this day my first grandbaby was born!
  • Cognitive Development: Late Adulthood

    I plan to have my dream of opening my own salon established by this time and hopefully it will be running and succesfull. If all goes well, maybe I can pass it on to my daughters one day.
  • Biosocial Development: Late Adulthood

    I'm hoping to keep myself looking young even if I'm in my late 60's. I intend to be one of those fashionable grandmas that still dress nice and keeping themselves looking good even in their old age, atleast that's what my daughters would expect of me!
  • Death

    It's God's wish when he intends my time to end. I can't even predict how or when my death will take place.