Destination map israel

Conflict in Israel

  • Six day war

    Six day war
    After Egyptian troops moved closer and closed off the gulf of aqaba, Israel decided to start the six day war. In this war, Israel claimed a lot of land from Egypt
  • Yom Kippur war

    Yom Kippur war
    Egypt decided to fight back after the six day war. Israel was not fully prepared, but due to US, support, were able to agree to a cease fire after much fighting
  • Camp david accords

    Camp david accords
    Us president jimmy Carter invited Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin to Camp David. There, they reach an agreement where Israel would return land to Egypt, and Egypt would recognize Israel.
  • Intifada

    After the formation of PLO, tensions continued until it reached street violence. In response, Israel used their police and military to halt fighting.
  • 2nd intifada

    2nd intifada
    After peace negotiations failed, a second intifada happened. Fighting broke out, with Hamas sending suicide bombers into Israel, and Israel sending tanks and gunships to Gaza