
Common Core Standards

  • James Meredith

    James Meredith
    James Meredith was born on June 25th 1933. He was the first African American who was accepted into a segregated school, which was the University of Mississippi. He was also known as a American civil rights movement figure. After becoming a civil rights movement he was shortly shot by a sniper in 1962. James being accepted being the first African American being accepted into a segregated school was a huge accomplishment and he was then fighting for the civil right of all other African Americans.
  • Common Core Standards

    Common Core Standards
    The Common Core Standards were first adopted in California in 2010. The common core standards are set shared goals and expectations for skills and knowledge. The common core standards were adopted for both the English and Math departments for most kindergarten through high school schools. These goals are set so that each student and teacher know what the kids should learn, know and do by the end of each school year. Many teachers did not like this curriculum and some schools have dropped it.