Chinese Inventions

  • 2700 BCE


    The Chinese began to cultivate tea early on, but it was used mainly as a medicine. Now tea is drank all over the world. The Chinese have a very specific ritual for tea drinking, the tea ceremony. INDUSTRY
  • Period: 50 BCE to 1400 BCE

    Chinese Invetions

  • 50


    Porcelain was a huge export in China, so much so that the ceramics that they crafted are now known as China. Many jobs were based around the porcelain industry, from being a potter to craft the ceramic from clay, to an artisan who painted intricate designs on the porcelain. INDUSTRY
  • 150


    Paper was first invented in China, made from hemp and mulberry bark. It became an important industry in China. INDUSTRY
  • 250


    The compass was used by sailors to navigate when lost at sea. Primitive compasses used the magnetic properties of lodestone. EXPLORATION
  • 450

    Paddle Wheel Boat

    Paddle Wheel Boat
    They invented a paddle wheel boat that made travel faster. It had a wheel with paddles on it. EXPLORATION
  • Feb 15, 618


    The Chinese greatly improved upon the bridge, and know, their bridges stretch across many different parts of the world. The bridges use segments of a circle to support the arch of the bridge.
  • Jan 1, 700

    Game Cards

    Game Cards
    Wooden blocks printed ink onto cards made of thick paper. Famous artists would draw pictures on the back of these cards. Europe was introduced to playing cards in the 13th century. EVERYDAY OBJECTS
  • Feb 15, 750

    Mechanical Clock

    Mechanical Clock
    These clocks were more accurate than older clocks, like sundials and hourglasses. The made a clock that was a wheel that would make a full turn every day. It would make different sounds during the half hour and quarter hour. EVERYDAY OBJECTS
  • Feb 15, 800

    Paper Money

    Paper Money
    Paper money is of the most common form of currency in the world today. It used to be printed with wooden blocks, and in many different colors. EVERYDAY OBJECTS