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Chapter 7

  • Steam Engine Patent

    Steam Engine Patent
    machine that could effectively draw water from flooded mines using steam pressure
  • Spinning Jenny

    Spinning Jenny
    Spinning Jenny was invented by James Hargreaves
  • Period: to

    Samuel Slater smuggles plans to America

    Samuel Slater built the first successful cotton mill in the United States
  • Period: to

    Cotton Gin Inventor

    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin
  • Period: to

    Monroe's Presidency

    James Monroe was an American statesman who served as the fifth President of the United States
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Congress passed a bill granting Missouri statehood as a slave state under the condition that slavery was to be forever prohibited in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase
  • Period: to

    Presidency of Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams was an American statesman who served as a diplomat, United States Senator, member of the House of Representatives, and the sixth President of the United States
  • Erie Canal Completed

    Erie Canal Completed
  • Period: to

    Presidency of Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson was an American soldier and statesman who served as the seventh President of the United State
  • Period: to

    Trail of Tears

  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837