
Imporovements in Agriculture

  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin On March 14, 1794 Eli Whitney patented the Cotton Gin. The Cotton Gin was reveloutionary to the agriculture industry because it sped up the production of cotton. The Cotton Gin was able to seperate seeds, hulls, and debris from the cotton. Before the Cotton Gin was invented workers had to pick out the seeds, hulls, and debris by hand, which was very inefficient.
  • Period: to

    Imporvement in Agriculture

  • Ag Publications

    Ag Publications In 1819 the American Farmer and the Plough Boy begin their publications. This was the first agriculture realted pubilcations. Today there are many ways agricultral news get out. TV shows such as the American Rancher and the Jr. Showtimes Livestock Magazine, have news updates on the agricultural industry.
  • First Steel Plow

    First Steel Plow Deere made the first cast steel plow in 1837. This plow was nick-named "the grass-hopper plow" becuase it was used to plow the hard soil of the American prairie.
  • First State Fair

    First State Fair Michigan claims to hold the first state fair in 1839, but the state fair only had two exhibitors and not many people came. Then they did not have another state fair for ten years. They started back up in 1849. But in the mean time New York had their first state fair in 1841. They have held their state fair every year since.
  • Grain Elevator

    Grain Elevator The first grain elevator was designed and made by Joesph Dart. The grain elevator was built in Buffalo, New York. The grain was elevated off of a ship and then stored in specific grain bins until is needed to be used. Grain Elevators are still used today.
  • United States Agricultural Society

    United States Agricultural Society 1852 the United States Agricultural Society was formed. The society became inactive in 1860, but during the existance of the society was successful in different agruicultural movements. Today we have different societies such as the FDA and the USDA.
  • Swift Packing

    Swift Packing;-Company-Company-History.htmlGustavas Franklin Swift founded Swift packing in Chicago, Illinois. He started with $20 and purchased his first heifer. He quickly revolutionized the food industry. Swift was the first to disassemble a carcass on an assembly line. This made packing quicker and more efficient.
  • USDA

    USDA 1862 the United States Department of Agriculture was estabilished. The main role of the USDA is to inspect and ensure quality foods are being produced for the American consumer. They also focus their efforts on improving methods used by farmer, keeping the impact from the food industry on the envoirment down, and carrying out national policies involving the production of food.
  • Barbed Wire

    Barbed Wire Kelly invented barbed wire in 1868. Two other inventors tried to make barbed wire in 1867, one year prior, but their inventions were not successful. Kelly's barbed wire was used until 1874. Then there were imporvements on his version of barbed wire. Today there are over 530 patented barbed wire. There are also over 2,000 variations and 2,000 barbed wire tools.
  • First Angus Cattle Came to The Untied States

    First Angus Cattle Came to The Untied States Angus cattle are a leading breed in cthe industry. When the angus cattle were brought to America they were looked down upon, beacuse they are polled. At they time, they did not realize the benefits of polled cattle in feed lots. They also did not realize the genetic capabilty of the Angus breed. The Angus breed is known for its high marbling ability.
  • Ice-Cooled Railroad Cars

    Ice-Cooled Railroad Cars
    Gustavus Franklin Swift also introduced the Ice-Cooled Railroad Car. This invention made transporting livestock and meat safer and more healthy.
  • Gas Tractor

    Gas Tractor Froelich was the first to invent the gas powered tractor. He was born in Iowa and had a job at a grain elevator and a mobile threshing service. His threshing company was what gave him the idea for the tractor. The equipment he used for threshing was dangerous, heavy, and expensice to run. So he used a one cylinder engine to power his first tractor. His invention was a success and led to many imporvements in the model.
  • 4-H

    4-H is a popular agricultural club. The four H's stand for Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. There is not an exact date for the start of 4-H, but an Ohio teach is accredited for founding the program. In 1902, A.B. Graham started a boys and girls club under the Ohio State University and the Ohio Agricluture Experiment Station
  • Hay Baler

    Hay Baler 1903 Ummo F. Luebben from Nebraska invented the first mechanized baler. This was a much faster efficient baler than the previous inventions. In 1940, Luebben sold his patent to the founders of Allis Chalmers and the company came out with a new line of modern hay balers. The new balers were for sale by 1947.
  • "The Jungle"

    "The Jungle" Sinclair wrote "The Jungle" in 1906. The book gave frightening insight on the packing and food industry. Most of the book gave details on the methods that were being used to produce and process foods. The book opened the eyes of American citizens about the food they were eating.
  • The Meat Inspection Act

    The Meat Inspection Act The Meat Inspection Act was passed in 1906. The act resulted in closeures of packing plants that were deemed unsanitary. Poisonious preservatives and the use of dyes in the meat were discovered, and were a reason for The Meat Inspection Act to be passed.
  • FFA

    FFA Future Farmers of America was founded in 1928 in Kansas City, Missouri. Today there are over 7,000 FFA Chapters. The FFA program is related through schools. If a school has an Agriculture program they students are able to be enrolled in FFA. A symbol of FFA is they navy blue official jacket with the FFA emblem and county on the back.
  • Tyson

    Tyson is one of the largest brands to market chicken, beef, and pork. Tyson originated in 1935 in Springdale, Arkansas.
  • First McDonald's Opened

    First McDonald's Opened first McDonald's was opened in California in 1940. At the first opening the McDonald brother's did not know what a large impact they would have on the fast food and agriculture industry. Today McDonald's is of the largest purchaser of American grown beef. The demad of the beef has led to the and increase in CAFOs. (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation)
  • Diamond v. Chakrabarty

    Diamond v. Chakrabarty
    In the supreme court case of Diamond v. Chakrabarty the supreme court said that a genetically engineered strain of backteria could be patented. This led to many patents of living things. One of the most contriversial patents is Monsanto's patent of the soybean. It is remarkable that the company was able to genetically engineer the soybean, but the negative impact is many farmers are being put out of business becuase such a large company controls the soybean industry.