Campaign Finance

  • Period: to

    Campaign Finance Changes

  • Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971

    -Enacted February 2.1972
    -increased necessary diclosure of contributors for candidates, parties, and PACs
    -little enforcement
    -amended multiple times
  • Buckley V. Valeo

    -Brought forth in the end of !975
    -sets limitations on contributions to candidates
    -contributions MUST be disclosed to the FEC
    -led to hard money, 527s, and soft money contribtions
  • Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act of 2002

    *aka McCain-Feingold
    -PACs became limited due to the fact that there were now limits on how much certain categories may donate
    -Super PACs became less limited, helping to boost incumbents in campaign money, due to their use of "independent expenditures"
    -individual contributions were limited but, to a great extent
  • Citizens United v. FEC

    -unconstitutional; violates free speech
    -no limits on free speech
  • McCutcheon v. FEC

    -Feb 18, 2013
    -argued: Oct 7, 2013
    -Shaun McCutcheon had donated and wished to donate more but, limitations prevented him from doing so. (individual contributions)
    -Argued that it violated First Amendment
    -Ruled in opposition to McCutcheon; decided limitations help prevent corruption
    -also, corporations wanted to be seen as giving individual conrtibutions