Cameron Lefler

  • Birth

    Historical Fact: The name "Cameron" was ranked #33 among popular baby names in the U.S. in 1999
  • First Drove a Vehicle

  • First Day of School

  • First trip to New York

    First trip to New York
    Demographics: About how many people live in Manhattan, New York?
  • Met Nick Santomassi

  • Won Basketball Championship

    Won Basketball Championship
    Demographics: How many CFA middle school basketball teams received a trophy this year?
  • Took Month-Long Trip to Hawaii

    Took Month-Long Trip to Hawaii
    Intellectual History: How did technology, specifically dealing with aviation and the internet, help me arrive at my destination?
  • Moved to Wrightsville Beach

    Moved to Wrightsville Beach
    Demographics: How many times does the average person move in a lifetime?
  • Got my first Paddleboard

    Got my first Paddleboard
    Social History: Paddleboarding is one of the top 10 most popular watersports in the world. When was it first introduced to mainland American?
  • First Played Mortal Kombat X

    Intellectual History: How have technological advances allowed graphics, sounds, and other elements of video games to be perfected over the ages?