Black Death

By Juzhero
  • Jan 1, 1330

    The beginning

    In the Early 1330s the Bubonic Plague was believed to have broke out in China and it infected rodents such as the black rat but fleas also transmitted to other people and once they got infected they would receive many severe symptoms. The plague originated from China but it was only time until it reached Europe
  • Feb 1, 1330

    Plague breaks out in China

    Widespread famine and plague breaks out in North East China.
  • May 19, 1346

    Plague reaches Black Sea

    The plague reaches the trading city of Kaffa on the Black Sea causing the Genoan merchants return to Sicily, which caused the disease to further spread
  • May 4, 1347

    Genoan Merchants return to Sicily

    Bemoan Merchnats on their return journey to Sicily spread the plague to Constantinople, Cyprus and then into modern-day Italy. It reaches Venice as well as Egypt
  • Jan 27, 1348

    Plague reaches France

    Plague reaches the French cities of Marseilles and Paris, then moves to England. Then moves along the Rhine River and into modern-day Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The outbreaks then occur in Cairo and the flagellants gain popularity.
  • Dec 24, 1349

    Persecution of Jews

    The widespread persecution of Jews begins with hundreds of thousands burnt to death. The plague reaches Egypt and the entire Islamic world is affected
  • May 19, 1350

    Plague's course

    The plague has run its course in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea
  • Oct 1, 1351

    Statue of Labourers

    The Labourers is introduced, making it illegal for employers to increase workers' wages and Plague reaches Russia
  • Nov 24, 1353

    35 Million Deaths

    Since the Plague was recorded in China it is estimated that a total of 35 million people died
  • Jan 1, 1381

    The start of a new era

    The Peasents' Revolt breaks out in England and major consequences faced society