Angela Tenneriello RCOE in 2020

  • One to One program for County office students starts

  • RCOE builds connectivity

    County sites are being connected to wifi in all areas except jails and some outlying individual sites.
  • Unique Curriculum added to Classrooma

    Unique Curriculum added to Classrooma
  • digital leadership for teachers

    RCOE offers digital leading edge for all Cunty Sp Ed teachers Imoplimented on Wednesdays each month as part of the PLC's
  • Smart/ Interactive boards installed

    Special Ed classes have smart boards or tables installed depending on the youth and their disabilities.
  • Teacher culminating share out of Leading edge presentations

  • Teacher intro to Power my learning

    Power my learning. The Power my learning site provides teachers with a blended instruction framework to assist in implimneting the best use of 1:1 technology in the classrooms and for parent collaboration as well.
  • teacher collaborative lesson sharing

    teacher collaborative lesson sharing
    Sp Ed teachers share lesson plans and procedures PLC type Kick off event before the regular school year begins. Google incentive program with Simple K-12 educational resources for training webinars and badges teachers working at their own pace,
  • One to one device started for County students

    One to one device started for County students
  • Educating the individual

    County will have developed numerous ways for youth build work place and career skills through a variety of online learning activities. They will have developed skills for communication and collaboration necessary for work place environments. Students will be able to use technology accomidate their individual strengths and weakneses to succeed in a career path. All instruction for Sp Ed hd common core allignements and is differentiated for individualized instruction, and skill development.