Ancient Rome

  • 100

    Rome is founded by Romulus and Remus

    Rome is founded by Romulus and Remus
    Rise of Rome
    Although rumor has it that the brothers founded Rome TOGETHER, Romulus ended up murdering Remus and took the throne.
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    Julius Caesar is born

    Julius Caesar is born
    ' Major Historians: Complete Texts' >Julius Caesar</a> Julius Caesar, an important war figure within Ancient Rome and political leader, was born in the year 100 B.C.
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    Tiberius Elected

    Tiberius, a man full of ideas, had been elected into the Roman government on 133 B.C.
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    Tiberius' Death

    He was quickly clubbed to death in 132 B.C. due to the fact of rushing his ideas and believes upon the citizens of Rome.
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    Pompey Elected

    Pompey was elected in 70 B.C., and was a part of the First Triumvirate that included him, Caesar and Crassus
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    Augustus is born

    Augustus is born
    ' Major Historians: Complete Texts' >Augustus</a> In the year 63 B.C., Augustus is born.
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    First Trumvirate disbands

    First Trumvirate disbands
    In 56 B.C., the first triumvirate is physically broken apart. Later on in 49 B.C., Caesar is told they need to be broken apart permanently.
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    Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide

    31 B.C. Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide, and there was a slight messed up while this was occuring. Antony had believed Cleopatra to already be dead, when in actuality she was NOT, and had committed suicide and died in Cleopatras arms. This love story is where Romeo and Juliet come from.
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    Colosseum was built

    Colosseum was built
    This beatiful structure was built in 70 A.D., and used to host events that involved tons of blood and gore.
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    Marcomannic War

    High Points of Roman Empire
    First war to break out occured on 167 A.D. and lasted till 175 A.D.
  • Nov 4, 600

    Constantine is born

    In 272 A.D., Constantine is born, and grows up to be a great fighter and later leads Rome.
  • Nov 4, 660

    Constantine's Death

    n 337, Constantine the Great dies of illness.
  • Nov 4, 700

    Splitting of Rome

    After Jovian's death in 364 A.D., Rome was split into two seperate empires; the Western and Eastern ones.
  • Oct 30, 750

    Birth of Christianity

  • Collapse of Western Empire

    In 476 A.D., the Romans fall to the German's and their armies under Romulus' rule.