A Brief History of Technical Communication

By ssink19
  • Period: Sep 10, 1300 to


    In the 14th to 17th centuries, western societies experienced
    an explosion of inquiry and inventiveness in the fields of
    medicine, science, religion, mechanical arts, graphic arts, and
    literature that has since been dubbed the Renaissance.
  • Sep 10, 1490

    Publishing house

    Publishing house
    Prominent among the new entrepreneurs
    was Aldus Manutius, who operated a publishing house in
    Venice from 1490
  • Beginning of Journal Publishing

    Beginning of Journal Publishing
  • First Research Contract

    First Research Contract
    Granted to the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia to study the causes of steamboat boiler explosions.
  • Scientific Journals

    The number of scientific journals begins to exceed 500.
  • First Systematic Index

    Called the International Catalog of Scientific Literature, created by the royal society.
  • Transfer-resistance device

    William Shockley, John Bardeen, and
    Walter Brattain invent a transfer-resistance device.
    Pioneered the way for many new electronics.