The Axis of Pythia

  • 2. (1) John gets hit by the machine

    Part 2. Story.
    Part 1. Chronologically. 2.John, Rodney & Zelenka at the machine Infirmary. (J, R) (Pa.) - Early January
  • 5. (3) John, Rodney & Radek w/ the Machine

    Part 5. Story.
    Part 3. Chronologically. Mission. 5.John & Rodney %u2013 Rodney will fix it. (J, R) (Pa.) %u2013 Early January
  • 8. (4) John & Rodney Argue.

    Part 8. Story.
    Part 4. Chronologically. Telepathy. 8.John & Rodney %u2013 Arguing (J, R) (Pa.) %u2013 Early January
  • 11. (4) John's Powers Develop.

    Part 11. Story.
    Part 4. Chronologically Evolution. 11.John's powers develop. (J) (Pa.) - Early January
  • 14. (5) John heals Rodney.

    Part 14. Story.
    Part 5. Chronologically. Healing. 14.John heals Rodney (J) (Pa.) %u2013 Early January
  • 17. (6) John & Rodney Intimate.

    Part 17. Story.
    Part 6. Chronologically 17.John & Rodney %u2013 Sex Goes Here (J, R.) (Pa.) %u2013 Early January
  • 23. (8) How John Got to the White Room.

    Part 23. Story.
    Part 8. Chronologically. 23.How John got to the white room. (J.) (Pa.) %u2013 Early January
  • 20. (7) John Ascends.

    Part 20. Story.
    Part 7. Chronologically. 20.John in the infirmary (group) %u2013 Ascends. (J, R) (Pa.) %u2013 Early January
  • 1. (9) John in the White Room Intro.

    Part 1. Story.
    Part 9. Chronologically. 1.John in the white room- Supernova. (J) (Pr.) - Mid January
  • 3. (10) Rodney in the aftermath.

    Part 3. Story.
    Part 10. Chronologically 3.Rodney in the aftermath. (R.) (Pr.) %u2013 Late January
  • 4. (11) John in the white room - Denial

    Part 4. Story.
    Part 11. Chronologically. 4.John in the white room %u2013 Denial. (J) (Pr.) %u2013 Mid April
  • 7. (12) John in the white room - Anger

    Part 7. Story.
    Part 12. Chronologically. 7.John in the white room %u2013 Anger. (J) (Pr.) %u2013 Late April
  • 10. (13) John in the white room - Bargaining.

    Part 10. Story.
    Part 13. Chronologically. 10.John in the white room %u2013 Bargaining. (Pythia visits.) (J) (Pr.) %u2013 Late April
  • 6. (14) Rodney grieves.

    Part 6. Story.
    Part 14. Chronologically. 6.Rodney grieves. (As only Rodney can.) (R.) (Pr.) %u2013 Early Feburary
  • 13. (15) John in the white room - depression

    Part 13. Story.
    Part 15. Chronologially 13.John in the white room %u2013 Depression. (This is your life?) (J) (Pr.) %u2013 April
  • 16. (16) John in the white room - Acceptance

    Part 16. Story.
    Part 16. Chronologically. 16.John in the white room %u2013 Acceptance. (J) (Pr.) %u2013 Mid May
  • 19. (17) John in the white room - Pythia's return.

    Part 19. Story.
    Part 17. Chronologically. 19.John in the white room %u2013 Pythia%u2019s return. (J) (Pr.) %u2013 Late May
  • 22. (18) John makes a deal with Pythia.

    Part 22. Story.
    Part 18. Chronologically. 22.John makes a deal with Pythia. (J) (Pr.) %u2013 Late May
  • 9. (19) Rodney Explodes.

    Part 9. Story.
    Part 19. Chronologically 9.Rodney explodes. (R.) (Pr.) %u2013 Mid February
  • 12 (20) Rodney tries to move on.

    12.Rodney tries to move on. (R.) (Pr.) %u2013 May
  • 15/18/24/25 - Lots of stuff happens.

    15 (20) .Rodney tries to fix the machine. (R.)(Pr.) - Mid March
    18.(21) Teyla and Ronon find Rodney. (R.) (Pr.) %u2013 Mid March
    24. (22) Gateroom, Lorne%u2019s team brings John back. (R.) (Pr.) Rodney follows John in the infirmary. (R.) (Pr.) John doesn%u2019t know these people. (J) (Pr.) %u2013 May
    25. (23) Rodney tries to teach John about himself. (R., J) (Pr.) John throws a tantrum. (R.) (Pr.) %u2013 May
  • 27/28. Rodney Turns to Teyla / Team Night

    1. (25) Rodney turns to Teyla. (R.) (Pr.)
    2. (26) Team night. (J, R.) (Pr.) %u2013 May
  • 29. John turns to Carson / Rodney Avoids.

    Part 27 Chronologically. 29.John turns to Carson. (J.) (Pr.) Rodney avoids. (R.) (Pr.) %u2013 June
  • 30. John remembers the Oracle.

    Part 28 Chronologically. 30.John remembers the Oracle (J.) (Pr.) %u2013 Late June
  • 31/32/33/34 - To Delphi & Back.

    1. (29) The Journey to Delphi. (J, R.) (Pr.) %u2013 Late June
    2. (30) The preparation of the supplicant. (J, R.) (Pr.) Rodney, Teyla & Ronon speak to the locals. (R.) (Pr.) %u2013 Late June 33.(31) The Visit to the Oracle. (J.) (Pr.) %u2013 Late June
    3. (32) The Return Home. (J, R.) (Pr.) %u2013 Late June
  • 35. Epilogue

    35.Epilogue. %u2013 Early July