1001-1500 AD

By Magical
  • Period: Jan 1, 1001 to Dec 31, 1500

    1001-1500 AD

  • May 13, 1020

    Parabolic Mirror

    From polished silver and iron by Ibn al-Haytham (From Arabia)
  • May 6, 1050

    Artillery was invented

    Artillery was invented
    In China, they had bombs in catapullts and apparently that means it's artillery.
  • Nov 24, 1161

    Teargas Gernade

    Teargas Gernade
    China created the first teargas grenade by using lime and sulfur.
  • Jul 10, 1204


    The first water powered sawmill is built in France.
  • Oct 27, 1277

    Land Mines

    Land Mines
    used against Mongol invaders (China)
  • Sep 19, 1320

    The hourglass was invented in Europe

    The hourglass was invented in Europe
    A European created the first hour galss so they could tell time.
  • May 6, 1450

    Anemometer is created by Leon Battista Alberti

    Anemometer is created by Leon Battista Alberti
    The anemometer is a device that measures the speed of the wind (or other airflow, like in a wind tunnel). The first anemometer, a disc placed perpendicular to the wind, was invented in 1450 by the Italian architect Leon Battista Alberti. Robert Hooke, an English physicist, later reinvented the anemometer. In 1846, John Thomas Romney Robinson, an Irish physicist, invented the spinning-cup anemometer. In this device, cups are attached to a vertical shaft; when the cups spin in the wind,
  • May 6, 1450

    Printing ink was invented in Europe

    Printing ink was invented in Europe
    Europe made a printing ink from varnish and linseed oil.
  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo Da VInci

    Leonardo Da VInci
    Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was an Italian inventor, artist, architect, and scientist. Da Vinci had an interest in engineering and made detailed sketches of the airplane, the helicopter (and other flying machines), the parachute, the submarine, the armored car, the ballista (a giant crossbow), rapid-fire guns, the centrifugal pump (designed to drain wet areas, like marshes), ball bearings, the worm gear (a set of gears in which many teeth make contact at once, reducing the strain on the teeth,
  • Oct 6, 1491

    First globe is made by Martin Behaim is born

    First globe is made by Martin Behaim is born
    Martin Behaim (1459-1537) was a German mapmaker, navigator, and merchant who made the earliest globe, called the "Nürnberg Terrestrial Globe". It was made during the years 1490-1492; the painter Georg Glockendon helped in the project. Behaim had previously sailed to Portugal as a merchant (in 1480). He had advised King John II on matters concerning navigation. He accompanied the Portuguese explorer Diogo Cam (Cão) on a 1485-1486 voyage to the coast of West Africa; during this trip, the mouth of