
  • apartheid put into action by national partty

    apartheid put into action by national partty
    in 1948 the government of south Africa put apartheid into effect
  • population registration

    population registration
    population registration act made it to where u had to identify your specific racial characteristics to the government
  • Sharpeville massacre

    Sharpeville massacre was when blacks protested and led to allot of riots and chaos
  • rivonia trial

    rivonia trial
    it took place in pretoria at the palace of Justice and the old Synagogue. it led to Mandela going to prison. happend june 12th 1964
  • prime minister Hendrick Verwood is assassinated

    Tsafendas assassinated Verwoerd
  • bantu homeland citizenship act

    this act ruled that all black people had to claim one of the homelands even if there never been there
  • township uprising

    township uprising
    it was a period of time where both white south Africans and colored were damaging each others things.
  • nelson Mandela resealed from prison

    nelson Mandela resealed from prison
    nelson was released on February 11th 1990. He spent 27 years in prison.
  • mixed marrriges act

    mixed marriages act ruled that black people couldn't date non black people
  • nelson becomes the president

    former political prisoner becomes president of south africa