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Apartheid Laws and Resistance

  • Act of Union

    South Africa became a unified state within the British Empire. It combind four British colonies as separate provinces within the new state: Cape Colony, Natal, Transvaal and the Orange Free State. Blacks were denied the right to vote.
  • SANNC founded

    SANNC founded
    The Native National Congress is foundedm later renamed the African national Congress (ANC). Its vision was to unite Africans and to secure their right to vote.
  • ANCYL Manifesto

    ANCYL Manifesto
    Anc Youth league manifesto urged new militant african leaders. Its leader were Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, and Oliver Tambo
  • NP wins the general election

    NP wins the general election
    The united party which had neglected domestic issues during WWII, is defeated in a genereal election
  • Prohibition of Marriages and Inmortality Acts

    Prohibition of Marriages and Inmortality Acts
    The Prohibition of Marriages act prohibited the marriage or sexual relationships between white people and those of other races.
    The Inmortality act specified of prohibiting the sexual relations between white people and people of other races.
  • Population Registration

    Population Registration
    every person is to be classified within a hierarchy, which had white votes only
  • Supression of communism

    Supression of communism
    legislation of the national government in apartheid South Africa which formally banned the Communist Party of South Africa and proscribed any party or group subscribing to communism
  • ANCYL Programme of Action

    ANC adopted the ANC youth leaugue, the programme of action as the offical platform
  • May Day Strike

    presented by the state as a device but its practical signficance forced removal of belongings
  • National Day of Protest

    ANC called for a general strike, which had a day of mourning in protest at the May day murders
  • Group Areas Act

    Group Areas Act
    This act divided South Africa up into territories. Its whole purpose was to segregate the races. This act pushed the idea that Africans belonged in native reserves.
  • Separate representation of voters

    Separate representation of voters
    the National Party introduced it to enforce racial segregation, and was part of a deliberate process to remove all non-white people from the voters' roll and revoke the Cape Qualified Franchise system.
  • The Pass Laws (The Natives Act)

    The Pass Laws (The Natives Act)
    This act replaecs the existing passbooks and required Black South Africans over the age of 16 to carry them 24/7. It was considered illegal for black south Africans to be without a passbook. This allowed the government to gain greater control over them.
  • Defiance Campaign

    ANC Defiance Campaign was the largest scale non-violent reesistance ever observed in South Africa
  • Bantu Education Act

    Bantu Education Act
    This act provided an ifnerior and sepatate education for the balck youth. The purpose for this act was to direct young black people into lower level jobs. Black children were now under control of the government.
  • Public Safety Act

    Public Safety Act
    The purpose for this was to empower the government to declare states of eemrgency and have the ability to increase penalties for protestors. The government could back-date a state of emergency to protect the police if the people acted violently. This act overall gave more power to the government and police.
  • The reservation of separate amenities act

    enforced the segregation of all public facilities. The goal was to aim to elimate any contact between white and other races
  • The Reservation fo Separate Amenities Act

    The Reservation fo Separate Amenities Act
    This act enfirced segregation of all public facillities. Because of this, mroe signs were put up where Europeans or Non-Europeans only were allowed. This act eliminated all contact between whites and other races. The only things exclduded from teh act were public roads and streets.
  • Natives Resettlement Act

    Natives Resettlement Act
    The Natives Resettlement Act permitted the removak if blacks from any area within and next ti the magisterial district of Johanesburg by the South African Governement. Its prupose was to keep Black South Africans away.
  • Freedom charter campagin

    The freedom charter united people of all racial orgins in a common struggle to end apartheid to establish a non racial
  • Congress of the people

    congress of the people was held over two days in kiptown, where there was about 7,000 people from anti apartheid groups attended
  • The treason trial

    A trial in johannesburg in which 156 people , including nelson mandela were arrested in a raid and accused of treason in south africa
  • The Women March (FASW)

    ANC women marched to the prime ministers office to deliver a petition calling for the abolition of the pass laws
  • Bantu Self Governmet Act/ Bantu Authorities Act

    Bantu Self Governmet Act/ Bantu Authorities Act
    This act divided territiories designated for blacks into "banustians" or "homelands" . It strippwd blacks of their rights to participate in the national governmetn of South Africa. Blacks only had the right to vote for the puppet governents into their territory. The purpose of this act was to give black South Africans minimal positions in the national government.
  • Sharpeville Massacre

    IN March of 1960 a PAC demonstation against pass books in sharpville, the police opened fire
  • Pan Africanist congress (PAC)

    A group of radicalized activist split away from the ANC to form the PAC
  • Resolution 1598

    UN resolution 1598 condemns apartheid
  • ANC, July

    ANC developed an armed wing called umkhonto we sizwe ( Zulu for spear of the nation)
  • PAC, July

    Develops an armed wing called poqo (Pure)
  • Winds of Change

    British Prime Minister harold delierved his winds of change speech suggesting the black nationalism was a force
  • Resoultion 1761

    UN resoultion 1761 encourages members separately or collectively in conformity with the charter to break trade and diplomatic relation
  • The rivonia trial and mandelas

    Ten leaders of the Africans National Congress had tried for 221 acts of sabatoge designed to overthrow the aparthied systems
  • Formation of the african resistance movement

    African Resistance Movement, was a group made up largely by white students who had been part of national union of south
  • Stock Limitation Act

    Stock Limitation Act
    outlines the time limit within which a creditor can chase a debtor for outstanding debts. only applies when no contact has been made between the creditor and debtor within the given time limit and only applies to residents of England and Wales.