
Zacharías Janssen hadn´t invented his own microscope, what would have happened?

  • Zacharias Janssen invented the microscope

    Zacharias Janssen invented the microscope
    In 1590, the Dutch optician Zacharias Janssen invented the microscope with a sort of tube with lenses at the ends, but it got blurry images due to poor quality lenses.
  • theory of lenses, by Hans Lippershey.

    theory of lenses, by Hans Lippershey.
    If he had not developed the microsopio, many of these scientific advances would not be possible, such as the telescope, which emerged around 1608, with the theory of lenses, by Hans Lippershey.
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek and the first simple microscope,

    Nor would it have been possible that Anton van Leeuwenhoek in 1653 to develop its first simple microscope, describing for the first time protozoa, bacteria, spermatozoa and red blood cells. Constituting the science of knowledge bases as bicrobiología and physiology.
  • William Harvey and the dead cells

    William Harvey and the dead cells
    Nor had allowed in 1665 William Harvey spoke about blood circulation microscope to look at the blood capillaries and Robert Hooke observed with a microscope a thin cork cutting betting on the theory of the existence of what he called cells. (Cells dead)
  • Theories of light

    Theories of light
    Then in 1840, the discovery that the dispersion and refraction could be modified with suitable combinations of two or more optical media, are launched achromatic objectives, which could not have been sold without the development of microscopes.
  • Marcello Malpighi and the living cells

    Marcello Malpighi and the living cells
    A few years later, for 1969 Marcello Malpighi, or had not had the opportunity to observe living cells under a microscope. His main contribution was the observation of the capillaries, in addition to this, was the first to present the early stages of development of an embryo.
    Progress and scientific knowledge that would have been impossible without the development of the microscope.
  • Microscope and vaccines

    Microscope and vaccines
    Without the microscope had not skyrocketed in 1976 to developing the first vaccine for smallpox, research and invention of new vaccines for different diseases of mankind