Pedhlc 15 12 15 c.icterocephalus

Wetlands In Bogotá, Colombia

  • Period: to

    20th Century

    The land in the Savannah of Bogota was a latifundium. Bogota started to receive people from other regions due to violence migration. The new settlers began to generate drainage systems for the wetlands. The Tintal lake was fragmented by Techo's Aerodrome and Americas' avenue
  • Period: to


    The industrial agriculture increased significantly around Bogota river. The use of the land was changed from rural to urban and industrial. The city increased its population, it allowed illegal developers to build new neighbourhoods. The administration of Bogota started to build new avenues to connect this new neighbourhoods. Other municipalities (Engativa, Fontibon, Bosa and Suba) were included in Bogota. Tintal wetland was reduced by building a new neighbourhood called Techo (Kenedy)
  • El dorado Airport

    El dorado Airport
    El Dorado airport and "6 avenue were built in 1954. These constructions fragmented the wetland Jaboque and Capellania.
  • Period: to


    It was built an embankment in Juan Amarillo wetland for drying it. It allowed developed build new neighbourhoods near to it.These constructions produced a local extinction of pato pico endemic species in Bogota’s Savanna. Foreign species increased its population and savanna forest reduce its density. This reduction allowed developed to build new neighbourhoods and increase the environmental impact in the wetlands. It also produced social organisation that wanted to legalise their neighbourhoods.
  • Ramsar (wetland global intergovernmental environmental agreements)

    Ramsar  (wetland global intergovernmental environmental agreements)
    Ramsar is the oldest of the modern global intergovernmental environmental agreements. It was adopted in the Iranian city of Ramsar in 1971 and came into force in 1975. (
  • Period: to

    1980-1989 (period of controversies)

    The wetlands were desiccation with debris and trash due to build new neighbourhoods and Bogota’s waste disposal that increased the organic sediments in around 70%. Therefore, developers would build new urban settlements in Bogota without appropriate aqueduct and sewerage system. Consequently, Health problems increased due to increase organic sediments in wetlands and rivers generating a health problems.Thus, people started social action for getting healthy conditions in their neighbourhoods
  • Meandro del Say

    Meandro del Say
    The Bogota’s river was changed its course by developers therefore it produced a new wetland called Meandro del Say
  • Association friends of Quebrada la Vieja (social Actors)

    Association friends of  Quebrada la Vieja (social Actors)
    Reason: people wanted to clean this brook due to residential contamination. Actors: Association friends of Quebrada la Vieja, CAR, DAMA, Bogota Botanical Garden Actions: Planting and restoration of the stream
  • Period: to


    Bogota went up its size and population, while wetlands fell down its largeness. Therefore, wetlands start to be into the urban matrix. It increased the contact between society and ecosystems as a consequence start to emerge environmental movements. On the downside, it is increased fragmentation, chemistry contamination, toxic substance, debits and trash due to industries and urban increased. These produce a controversial between environmental groups, companies and governmental institutions.
  • The United Nations conference environment and development (Rio de Janeiro)

    Working towards international agreements which respect the interests of all and protect the integrity of the global environmental and developmental system.
  • Colombian Constitution of 1991 (Popular legal actions)

    Popular legal actions to protect collective rights (Art. 88 of National Constitution 1991). It is an important instrument that have allowed social movements to get influence into policy decisions.
  • National environmental system (SINA)

    National environmental law (Law 99 of 1993). Form this law emerged different institutions in Colombia such as Ministry of Environment, Humboldt institute and regional corporations.
  • Cerros de Bogota Fundation

    Cerros de Bogota Fundation
    Reason: People had problems to produce food due to contamination.
    Actors: Claridad Fundation, CAR.
    Opponent: Altos Miravallas (company)
    Action: People was on the picket line
  • Av. Esperanza and Salitre

    Capellania wetland was reduced its water mirror due to build Esperanza and Salitre avenue. These constructions divided the wetland into two sectors, the largest of them located south of the road.
  • Industry cleaning water (Colciencias Project)

    Topic: Experimental plant of water
    Actors: PELCO LAVANDERIAS INDUSTRIALES (laundry Company)
  • Industry monitoring water (Colciencias Project)

    Topic: Design of a portable equipment for water analysis
    Actors: DIES LTDA
    Cost: 98,050,000
  • Water monitoring (Colciencias Project)

    Topic: Evaluation of the total bacterial population in three Lentic aquatic systems (wetland) using the epifluorescence technique
    Actors: Fundacion Universitaria De Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano
  • Water reuse to avoid contaminating the Guaymaral wetland

    Water reuse to avoid contaminating the Guaymaral wetland
    Reason: Neighbourhoods near the Guaymaral Wetland did not have aqueduct and sewage. Actors: people from 15 houses near to guaymaral Actions: water reuse
  • Polluting agents in Bogota (STS)

    Polluting agents in Bogota (STS)
    this news allow us to understand the used of the land In Bogota. It shows the industries in three river in Bogota. These rivers are the effluents of wetlands in Bogota.
  • cleaning production (Pymes)

    cleaning production (Pymes)
    Reasons: Small and medium entrepreneurs wanted to change their technologies to cleaning technologies.
    Actors: DAMA, entrepreneurs, CINSET, ASA
    Actions:Seminars and agreements
  • Sewage sludge treatment (PTAR)

    Sewage sludge treatment (PTAR)
    Contamination of Juan Amarillo Wetland
    Actors: CAR, EEAAB
    Actions: Import Sewage sludge treatment technology for cleaning Juan Amarillo wetland, Fucha and Tunjuelitos Rivers
  • Monitoring Platform

    Monitoring Platform
    Reason: Geological platform for monitoring conditions in Bogota due to agriculture and industry contamination in Bogota’s rivera and deforestation in savanna forest Actors: Sociedad geografica Colombiana and CAR
  • Social movements in La Conejera wetland

    Social movements in La Conejera wetland
    Social movements tried to stop the contamination with residues and industrial waste in La Conejera wetland
    Actors: CAR, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, IDU (urban development institute)
    Actions: reforestation and birds sampling
  • Ramsar in Colombia

    Ramsar in Colombia
    Colombia currently has 6 sites designated as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Sites), with a surface area of 708,684 hectares.
  • Period: to


    At this period, the policy actors started to formulate some policies related to conservation, restoration, environmental education, cleaning water and wastewater treatment. Council of State did a statement related to the competence of the Municipalities to declare wetlands as a natural environmental reserve due to social movements demands. In 2016, Bogota generated the wetland Policy in Bogota.
  • National Wetland Policy

    The Policy for Inland Wetlands in Colombia proposed promoting the sustainable use, conservation and recovery of wetlands of the country at the national, regional and local levels.
  • Patrimony and Wetlands, territory vision (Colciencias Project)

    Topic: Based on the results of a
    research project about practices and
    representation of natural and cultural
    heritage in Bogotá, this research contributed
    to the anthropology of space and other
    disciplines associated to it. Actors: Universidad Externado de Colombia
    Cost: 213,675,000
  • Productive (Colciencias Project)

    Topic: Effect of irrigation water quality on the dynamic of nutrients productivity to the quality of horticultural species in Bogota’s savanna
    Cost: 147,850,000
  • District policy of Bogotá’s wetlands

    The collective construction process on which the formulation is based of this Policy, is consolidated with active participation
    of the social organisations and the entities of the Capital District and, especially, with the initiatives and the permanent support of the Network of Humedales de la Sabana de Bogota and the Aqueduct Company and Sewerage of Bogotá (EEAB)
  • Industry Cleaning Water (Colciencias Project)

    Topic:Proposal for the implementation of technologies for the water treatment Actors: JLP WATER SERVICE LTDA
  • Period: to


    The implementation of the policy related to wetlands produce some controversies in the territories due to use of land and some implication about conservation and restoration. In 2012, council of stage did a statement for cleaning of Bogota river due to social actors demands. This statement implied that it would have to invest 6 billion COP for cleaning the Bogota River.
  • Policy Implementation Wetlands (Colciencias Project)

    Topic: Water territories and practice and learning networks appropriation Actors: Empresa Comercial y de Servicios Agropolis Constelar Campesina Sociedad Anónima, Empresa De Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá, Fundación Universidad Externado De Colombia, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Puj - Sede Bogotá, Red Territorial De Acueductos Comunitarios de Bogotá y Cundinamarca Cost: 1,956,402,584
  • Biodiversity for Sustainable Development

    The Convention has three main goals including: the conservation of biological diversity (or biodiversity); the sustainable use of its components; and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic resources. Parties discussed the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Biodiversity Targets, which are to be achieved by the end of this decade.
  • Water monitoring (Colciencias Project)

    Topic: Evaluation of the presence of helicobacter pylori in potable water and wastewater in Bogota
    Actors: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Rio Fucha Projec (Regalias Project)

    Design of the integral and multidimensional intervention strategy in socioeconomic, environmental and urban development in the Fucha river and its area of study
    River Fucha is an affluent to Torca, Salitre, Meandro del Say wetlands Cost: 76,151,725
  • Ecology restoration (Regalias Project)