Westward expansion

Westward Expansion

  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    the Louisiana purchase was the acquisition of the Louisiana territory by the United State from France in 1803
  • lewis and clark expedition begins

    lewis and clark expedition begins
    Lewis and Clark and the rest of their expedition began their journey near St. Louis and Missouri the group was often called the Corps of Discovery by historians.
  • trail of tears starts

    trail of tears starts
    the trail of tears. In 1838 and 1839, as part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi river and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma.
  • california gold rush begins

    california gold rush begins
    the great California gold rush began on January 24, 1848 when James W. Marshall a gold nugget in a American river while constructing a sawmill for John Sutter, a Sacramento agriculturalist.
  • kansas-nebraska act

    kansas-nebraska act
    The Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854 may have been the single most significant event leading to the civil war.
  • homestead act

    homestead act
    homestead act encouraged Western migration by providing settlers 160 acres of public land.
  • US civil war ends

    US civil war ends
    the union faced secessionist in 11 southern states grouped together as the Confederate States of America.
  • buffalo soldiers formed

    buffalo soldiers formed
    nickname was given to the "negro cavalry" by the native American tribes they fought in the Indian wars.
  • Transcontinental raolroad completed

    Transcontinental raolroad completed
    transcontinental railroad was completed on May10,1869. the first transcontinental railroad was completed when the union pacific and the central pacific met each other.
  • Chief Joseph surrenders to U.S. army

    Chief Joseph surrenders to U.S. army
    chief Joseph loved his homeland, his people, and peace, but he was tired of running from U.S. army.