U.S. History: 1877-2008

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    Early American History

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    Civil War/Reconstruction

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    The Gilded Age

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    The Progressive Era

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    World War I

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    Roaring Twenties

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    Great Depression

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    World War II

  • United Nations Formed

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    Early Cold War

    Containment: The U.S. name for their goal to stop communism from spreading
    Arms Race/Space Race: The race between the US and the USSR to make increasingly more powerful weapons, as well as being the first to go to space.
    The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: The USSR, the country that fought for communism in the cold war.
    Communism: The idea that people would work, and the government would give things to the workers depending on needs.
    Domino Theory:
  • United Nations Formed

  • Truman Doctrine

    U.S. policy that gave military and economic aid to countries threatened by communism
  • Berlin Airlift

    Response to a soviet blockade of allied controlled sections of Berlin, successfully brought food and medical supplies to allied controlled areas of Berlin.
  • Marshall Plan

    Program to help European countries rebuild after World War II
  • NATO Established

    NATO was developed during Cold War to deter against USSR (Warsaw Pact). It promotes democratic values and encourages consultation and cooperation on defense and security issues to build trust, and in the long run, prevent conflict.
  • Korean War

  • Sweatt v. Painter

    ruled the separate law school at the University of Texas failed to qualify as “separate but equal”
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    Civil Rights Era

  • Rosenbergs Trial

    Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were charged and executed (1953) for allegedly passing atomic secrets to Russia, violating the Espionage Act of 1917.
  • 22nd Amendment

    Prohibits anyone who has been elected president twice from being elected again.
  • First H-Bomb detonated by the US

    Tested at Enewetak Atoll. This marked a new era of weaponry: nuclear weapons.
  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

    overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and mandated desegregation
  • Hernandez v. Texas

    Mexican Americans and all other races provided equal protection under the 14th Amendment
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    Vietnam War

  • Jonas Salk invents the Polio Vaccine

    Jonas Salk invents the Polio Vaccine, saving many americans from this illness.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott after Rosa Parks’ arrest

  • USSR Launches Sputnik

    First artificial satellite to orbit Earth, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. The U.S. responded by creating NASA and the National Defense Education Act.
  • Little Rock Nine integrated into an all-white school in Little Rock, AK

  • Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba

  • Berlin Wall built to prevent people from leaving communist East Berlin

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

  • 24th Amendment

    Abolishes the poll tax
  • John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, TX

  • Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream Speech” at the March on Washington

  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    begins undeclared war in Vietnam
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Made discrimination based on race, religion, or national origin in public places illegal and required employers to hire on an equal opportunity basis
  • Medicare and Medicaid established

  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Eliminated literacy tests for voters
  • Tet Offensive

  • Martin Luther King is assassinated

  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    prohibited discrimination in the sale or rental of housing
  • Tinker v. Des Moines

    Tinker v. Des Moines defined the First Amendment rights for students in the United States Public Schools
  • First Man on the Moon

  • Kent State University shooting

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    End of the Cold War

  • Pentagon Papers Leaked

  • 26th Amendment

    The 26th amendment moved the voting age from 21 years old to 18 years old.
  • Title IX

    protects people from discrimination based on gender in education programs
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act: law limited the President’s right to send troops to battle without Congressional approval
  • Watergate Scandal, which leads to Nixon’s Resignation

  • Fall of Saigon, marks the end of the Vietnam War

  • Camp David Accords

  • Three Mile Island Disaster

  • Iran Hostage Crisis

  • Iran Contra Affair

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    1990s-21st Century